recommend-ed by prominent phys-icians of to-day.
is tlić trade-mark of tlii^ most remark-able. sricntific garnicnt. A> its namc im plics. it givcs the wearer new life. It makes one ambitiou- and vigorotts. By preventing tbc sagging of the shouldcrs, diaphragm and abdomen. it aets on the vital organs as does an open window on a crowdcd stuffy rootn—it comprls the ucarer to inhalc regularly and dccply uli the air the Itinga can hołd- thus drieing <>nt all impurities and ma king one almost im mnne against contracting colds or discase.
NULI FE. is constructed of a light, wash aide fahric. It adjusts itsclf to any figurę -the tension bcing goyerned by the i*e!t A ller wcaring a week. one will feel the real płoasurc ot hcalth. It facilitates the forming of many health-producing hahits.
NULI FE formerly sold through Phys-icians, Physical and Vocal Instructors and Drcssmakcrs at $5.0(1 eaeh. hut for a limited time I can supply my patrous and friends at $3.00 postpaid.
Name ................( liest . .
Street ...............Waist ........
City ................ . Ifcight ........
ANTHONY BARKER Physical l)evelopment Institute 1235—6th AVE. NEW YORK