Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 019

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 019


and personalised contexts. Specific suggestions for each exercise are given in the Teacher’s Book lesson notes, as well as ideas for extension activities.

Exam link: communication

The Exam link: communication sections provide communicative language practice in functional/situational contexts, e.g. shopping, apologismg, etc. This language is introduced in the presentation dialogues to provide a realistic context. Each Exam link: communication section contains a short exampie dialogue followed by the key language in tabular form. Practice exercises folbw.

Suggested procedurÄ™

•    Introduce the function/situation in the headmg and refer back to the presentation dialogue. Ask students to find examples there.

•    Draw the students’ attention to the short example dialogue. Play the CD and ask the students to listen and repeat. Correct any pronunciation problems.

•    Students practise the conversation in pairs.

•    Ask the students to bok at the box containing the functional phrase. Explain the headings, in the L1 if necessary.

•    If you wish, get students to repeat the phrases in the box.

•    Demonstrate the practice exercises wilh a volunteer or confident student.

•    Students do the exercise(s) in pairs or groups.


The Pronunciation exercises are found in the back of the Students' Book, cross-referenced to the relevant lesson. The exercises isolate and practise specific sounds, or stress and intonation patterns. The particular pronunciation point sefected for the lesson occurs in the presentation dialogue. Each Pronunciation sectbn contains example sentences to repeat, and a further exercise to identify the point being practised.

Suggested procedurÄ™

•    Focus the students on the sound to be practised by referring them back to the dialogue where it occurs.

•    Play the CD of the Pronunciation exercise and ask students to listen and repeat. Help students to produce the sound if they are having difficulty.

•    Play the next part of the CD and ask the students to identify the sound in the words and sentences.

The presentation dialogues can also be used for additional pronunciation practice through straightforward repetition and chaining repetition techniques. In additbn, take the opportunity to correct students’ pronunciation whenever possible.

Extra practice

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They give further practice of the grammar, vocabulary or functional language in the lesson. At the end of each input lesson students can be directed to these exercises. They are designed for use both by fast fimshers and by those students who need morÄ™ language consolidatbn.

Skills development and exam preparation

The Students’ Book contains 12 skills development lessons. These are the fourth lesson (lesson D) in each unit. They are divided into two categories: Exam link (8 units) and Across cultures (4 units). The categories rotate throughout the Students’ Book.

Each Exam link lesson contains a number of activities in the exam format. At the beginning of every Exam link lesson, there is a table with a summary fealuring all the exam standards and task types. (You can read morÄ™ about the exam in the Upbeat Exam Guide on pages 8-11 in this Teacher's Book).

Each Across cultures lesson contains generaÅ‚ practice in all four language skills. Not all the tasks included in Across cultures lessons follow the exam format, but they do all present different aspects of the last and broadest exam topie: the culture of English-speakmg countries and the world.

Exam link lessons: listening, reading and reacting

It is important to notÄ™ that Exam link lessons are prepared to be taught as fuli lessons rather than a series of exam-like exercises. Hence, there are introductory exercises leading in to exam tasks as well as folbw-up exercises that explore the materiaÅ‚ being tested even further. You will need about one 45-minute lesson to cover each Exam link lesson. However, if you decide to compiement the Students' Book materia! with that from the Language Builder, you will need two 45-minute lessons.

There is no fixed structure within a lesson, but all Exam link lessons have at least one task based on listening, reading and reacting. Moreover, each leve) of the series includes all types of exam tasks and covers all exam topics. We are confident that by the end of grade 3, your students will have the language, skills and confidence to tackle the Gymnasium exam successfully.

Lesson notes accompanying each Exam link unit in the Teacher’s Book contain detailed guidelines on how to approach the materiaÅ‚. Apart from standard features such as background notes or optional activities, you will fmd two special types of boxes there:

•    â€˜Exam Notes’ boxes that describe exam task types and give tips on how to deal with them,

•    â€˜Extra Practice’ boxes that are links to lessons D in the Language Builder, where a given task type is further analysed and practised.

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