Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 096

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 096


Vocabulary: Phrases in informal letters

4 Match the phrases (a-k) with the correct part (1-3) of the letter frame below.

a)    That's all for now.

b)    Thanks a lot for your last letter.

c)    With best wishes,

d)    Love from.

e)    I hope you write back soon.

0 l’ll see you in September.

g)    l’ve got to go now.

h)    I haven't heard from you for a while.

How are you?

i)    Sorry I haven't written sooner.

j)    Yours.

k)    It was great to hear from you.

(Your address) (Dale)

Begin fhe letter ClW.ie.l'),

I Opening phrases EOOI_!

(Main messoge)

2 Closing phrases    3 ] O L J U

3 End the letter    ,"c] | ]| i (Your signature)


5 Imagine a pen friend is coming to stay with /ou for two weeks. Write a letter to him/her. Use the letter in Exercise 1 as a model.

•    Say you are looking forward to the visit.

•    Explain your plans for the first and second weeks. and ask for some suggestions.

•    Say where you will meet and how you will recognise each other.

•    End the letter in a friendly way.

Exam link: communication

Reminders, promises/reassurances and offers

G 46 Listen and repeat. Then practise the conversation in pairs.

A: Don’t forget to set your alarm. Remember, we’re catching an early train tomorrow.

B: !t's OK. CII set it in a minutÄ™.

A: And make surÄ™ you remember your passport.

Pil cali and remind you. if you like.

B: Don’t worry. There s no need. I won't forget it.


Dont forget to set your alarm.

Remember. we’re catching an early train tomorrow.

Make surÄ™ you remember your passport.

Don t forget your passport.


Don’t worry, I will/l won't.

Don’t worry. Pil remember.

• lt*s OK. I won’t forget.

I promise I won*t forget.


Pil cali you, if you like.

â–  Shall I cali you?

Would you like me to cali you?


Yes. please. That would be great.

Don’t worry. There’s nc need.

7 Practise similar conversations with a partner. Use the prompts or your own ideas.

•    Reminders: we’re going to the cinema/a concert/ a football match ...

•    Offers: phone to remind you/come round and collect you/book the tickets online ...

T: We're leaving very early in the morning (alarm).

S 7 Don’t forget to set your alarm.

52    Make surÄ™ you set your alarm.

53    Remember to set your alarm.

Explain that you will say morÄ™ prompts and that Ss must come up with three responses as guickly as they can (all giving the same advice regarding the word in brackets).


We need to make sandwiches (buy bread)

My mother-m-law is coming to visit (clean the house)

I have an exam next week (study)

7 Ask Ss to work in pairs to list some conversation ideas. Weaker students can write their conversations before reading them aloud.

Extra practice

Ss go to page 126 in the SB.

Extra practice

For morÄ™ practice, go to page 126.    ^ j u


Optional Extra

If it is possible to arrange pen friends for the Ss, this would be a good time. Failing that, Ss may be interested in having a correspondence with a ciassmate in English.

Ask them to write a letter introducing themselves.

Exam link: communication

Reminders, promises/ reassurances and offers

(accepl any answer). Ss then listen and read to check their ideas.

Ask Ss to fisten again and repeat the dialogue and then to practise it in pairs.

Read through each set of phrases and get Ss to chorally and individually repeat them.

Optional Extra

To give Ss further controlled practice of the phrases write the following prompts on the board:

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