img049 (23)

img049 (23)



STITCH guide

Strlpe Sequence: Working in patt rep indicated (see charts), change colors every 8 rows (on WS Rows 8 and 16) as foli: *sand, citrus, blue mist; rep from *.


♦    Keep edge stitches in stockinette.

♦    The armhole depth is somewhat adjustable, depending on the adjustment of the neck tie.

DEBORAH NEWTON spends her days working for the family business-an educational map-making company. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island, with her husband, a science-fiction writer.


Lower section: With larger needles and sand, CO 102 (112, 122, 132, 142) sts. Next row: (RS) Work Row 1 of Chart A over all sts. Foli stripe sequence (see Stitch Guide), work through Row 16 of chart, then work Rows 1-16 once morę, then work Rows 1-15 once—6 stripes; piece measures about 8" from CO. Dec row: (WS; Row 16 of chart) Change color, purl across all sts and dec 10 (11, 12, 13, 14) sts evenly—92 (101, 110, 119, 128) sts rem. Middle section: (RS) Work Row 1 of Chart B over all sts. Cont in stripe sequence as established, work through Row 16 of chart 2 times, then work Rows 1-15 once—12 stripes total from beg; piece measures about 16" from CO. Dec row: (WS) Change color, purl across all sts and dec 10 (11, 12, 13, 14) sts evenly—82 (90, 98, 106, 114) sts rem. Upper body: (RS) Work Row 1 of Chart C over all sts. Work even in patt until piece measures about 20", ending with WS

Row 8 of patt—15 stripes total. Shape armhoies: Cont in patt, BO 5 (7, 7, 9, 9) sts at beg of next 2 rows—72 (76, 84, 88, 96) sts rem. Dec row: (RS) Ssk (see Glos-sary), work to last 2 sts, k2tog—2 sts dec’d. Work 1 row even, keeping edge sts in St st. Rep last 2 rows 15 (15, 19, 19, 23) morę times, ending last rep with RS Row 7 or 15 of patt—19 (19, 20, 20, 21) stripes total; 40 (44, 44, 48, 48) sts rem. Drawstring cas-Ing: (WS) With smaller needles and next color, purl all sts and dec 8 sts evenly—32 (36, 36, 40, 40) sts rem. Work in rev St st (purl on RS; knit on WS) for 1". BO all sts loosely. Allow casing to roli to WS and sew in place along ridge where last 2 colors meet (casing color and stripe below it).


Work as for front until armhole shaping is completed, ending last rep with WS Row 8 or 16 of patt—19 (19, 20, 20, 21) stripes total; 40 (44, 44, 48, 48) sts rem. Work 7

Flnished Size 35/; (39,42/4,46/4,49/4)" bust circumference. Tunic shown measures 3514", modeled with minimal ease. Yarn S. Charles Collezione Sahara (44% viscose, 20% linen, 36% bamboo; 87 yd 180 ml/50 g): *02 sand, *05 citrus, and *03 blue mist, 3 (4, 4, 5, 5) balls each. Yarn distributed by Tahki Stacy Charles. Needles Sizes 8 (5 mm) and 9 (5.5 mm). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Tapestry needle.

Gauge 18 sts and 24 rows = 4" in stripe patt on larger needles.

back neck width:

5’A (6>A. 6>A. TA, TA)” 14.5(17,17,19,19) cm

front neck width:

I---7 (8,8.8%. 8‘A)"

18(20.5,20.5,22. 22) cm


22’A (25,27,29'A, 31’A)" 58 (63.5,68.5,74.5,80) cm



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