RmM Mul parking OhM ut^wtlw ■*■» «*
• tunnńlf iwoclc mowroent
• Pupdtay tur and WKtki to Hgfct
• Vt*nl »coUy and róual ftelds of boih cyct Wdomi funAncofnc cramnulion Detrrmine ocbiul looc
Amcu for lnie infMnlmni Chrcfc «ńk» lor red
Mrdical (ncrmal *Un)
60-90 minutr window
RtflWłC packing Coniuh ophthalmołogist
Adnimister diurciics (mannitol aceuniimide) and slcrokh IV
I atcrai canthotomy Infcrior camholysi*
Orbit al dccomprcssioe Awcńor clhmoid artcry liplioa
Modiftcd from SUnkkwkz.n