kM|japi and * on® 6* eowring*.1 Thut in 1610 a aa rfhmpnp. corakt and
Br nok III p«*» cf/mśmuL* Aa iwmtoty madę ai the orne of (be nunuge of B Pnncen Juana with che Ca mar dc Fon in 1392, refering ao ha mocha'a bed. MCaada 'A coda of ad kuhet bcaring in in cenne che arms of the King and che
The Church, too. empfoyed /■■dram for knwłm (Place 76b). rcnbha, aka-hunk (Pbttl 4, 24, 252 and b) and covm - for acamplc it was tecncded m 134$ cha the akar of Santa Loda in Vich cathedra! was cmbcUithcd with 'vcnnflion leacha caBcd /Mir awf.4 Thcre aic also in sevcral Spanish collcctions pamcinga, mostly of łcvenacench-ceraucy datę, of che legend of Saint Ycronica (Place 2ib) of che Holy Mother and of •ainn painted on gile, tooled leacha (Place 2ia): chese tnay have bcen cuc fiom akar* bonult or relables or tbey may havc bera jun ‘pśctura’. Veaments (Placet 29.62 and 6j) (00 were madę of pmimeei. The ooły catant cramplcs known ao che auchor ace of wuh teenih and eightcenth-cenrury dates, bcing of Flcmiih or Icalian origin; buc in a łiftccnth-cracury paiming of an ccdctiactical digniucy by Pcdro de Cdcdoba, in Toledo, the duiuble with a panem in black on a gold ground almost cotainły ccprcscnu galmtd a* doct the background pand with the pactetn in gold on a red ground.
A bookkt publitbed in 1952 by the City of Cdcdoba5 conaitu the resuks of research by Spannh histonans inco che ancicnc recor d 1 of thac dcy, thedding lighc on the characaa ofthc nade. Saty-two paŁmuHent who worked in thedty betwera 1485 and 16 }t atc named, in tome ram wkh biographical notes which indude dcuilt of contracta entered into. The magnitude of tome of thcnc ii aitonishing. For cxamplc, in 1604 a group of ninetccn 'm4titro pudśmedlfroi' (‘nearly tli the worken in Cdcdoba at that timc’) sccurcd a ooocnct for 10,490 panek, gold and green, in a brocadc of plumagc with borden (tom the amid of a '(areeMS (shdl-likc binga) far the pilące of Philip ID in VaIladolid Both gmlmutimt and painaen were partia to comc of Ac contraas; this confirmt the im-ptation that at least the moce skilful paiming was the work of profarionai poincen. Many contracts spedfy not only the coloun but abo the desigm to be uied. Smali numben of daboiate and cosdy leather hangmgc, one bearing the Papai ano, were supplicd to the Vatican in ijji and 1559, whilc in ifloS, for the same pałace, 6.J00 panek in gold and azurc were nudę bom 'che mouM of the pomegranaio*, with a funher 7,500 in the
1 Uu of the wocd ‘cum' was noc mnictod, u k now umaiły ii, to a floor cowrina, ar anv om li od of
•łick was aln mona nad Gr floor roraingi f(| aa tf Aapa poar mam pn tan a mts Im. duda V, 17S5. c. ijto).
' Tom Yaooni. Jot* R. de la, £1 Godami, Cdcdoba, 1932, Ml*
»Sanpae y Miqud, la mtmim utdmu n tkmf* */on /,.... pp. U-84.
•'... cabmor dr <sjr mmmąl gnaduud Jfdu..
■SaTcaeVasa3ei.e9.ck. (octt |) pp. M.4S. 47>