hBawmg yat. la IS46 Manio Lopcz Mctcn htaded ovcr co hi* ton, by óeed o fale, £ Ibt H tśha nde 6otn which be woj miiing through old age- Among the objtai aumazted wm the Olowiag atouUt (metal phus): the 'Emperoth damuk'; King phibp’s moM 'cI the potntgmuta'; (be mouldt of che dianu, the flames, the iowen, tbcrtkum, the tbc king’* mocto and thepouadwotk (umifatcd tramping),
|^» tłlt tndf M tjinwinn in Sjnin aficr ihc ‘filuT CXp«Jł!Qn cf r -
motitat in itfłO is not known. Ic is likefy chat, as in France and Engfand, a hand&J of pnducm coadnaed to /md narkea even in cbe mneteemb centary. The LibaryofSomh Lodgc, Kmdngtoa. London had gik kuher hangiagt which in design and workoun-ifupoppeared to be Spaonh oftbeshcumth ctmury. Bat fiom fbe manna in »łuch (fary Ul tbe wall-sprce, cheir condidon, and cbe aboence of any evidcncc chat dłey fod fnWf In iii fili i li r i Imr. rfir i~L" ń of cbe opinion chat thcy —ere madc in Spoin, opcdaly far tbc borne thcy adomed. about che dme when ic was built in che and-naccrah amury. Aa aarmpced ievival of che aafi was a fiacure of che Ezfaońk k rmtif rrrj rn/r-rrrr n ‘f r*-‘J in 1955- bot ic apparcwly mcc wich no succew.