,OUil>    u.mcrsaiiy cnjoy the bcncfirs of iłu* split ring. I,

bas devcloped from ihc dccorarivc uscs mentiontd nbove io widcr Applications. Now tatrcrs can climb out of central ring*, make a braid of rings end-to*end, procecd from one morif uj anorher, and movc to n foliowing row of work, nil withour ending off and beginning again. In tlić diagram* Indów, the heavier linę$ indicatc the wrong way tarting of shiittlc 2.



Yarious ring formations

Experienccd tatters will realise how split rings may be uscd in their old favouritc pattems to avoid ends and to savc rime and thread. This proves quitc

The split ring tcchnique requires two shuttles which usually contain threads of equal thickncsscs, for cxamplc, 40 and 40,60 and 60. With shuttlc 1 tac the first pan of the ring normally, and then with shunle 2 form rcvcrsc stitches or wrong way tatting for the other portion. Thcsc revcrse stitches arc madę the usual way, but without the transfer of the knot, thus cnabling the thread of shuttlc 1 to slide through all double stitches of the


ihuuk I ihuul«2



Split rings shouing two seis o/ stitches

Thcrc is no nced to takc the ring off your hmul for part 2. Aftcr tatting with shuttlc 1, just turn your hand to cxposc the thread between the thumb and the little finger. Adiust the tension if nccessary so this thread rcmains taut. Takc up shuttle 2 and tat rcversc stitches along this thread. To prcscrve the righr* sidc cffect of the ring, rcvcrse the order of the halvcs of the double stitches, that is, start with the second half*stitch. Picots can bc madc as usual wherc rcquired.

Forming wrong way tatting



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