12903 KIF78

12903 KIF78

Scalę-reJuceJ fratrem

The trim around the bortom of the bag is a conrinuous ratted chain with 3-bead drops. Chain 4ds, long p, Jds, add the set of 3 beads to the long picor and then reartach it to the chain9 4ds. This is a varurion of Method 3 on page 17. The formed picors arc 1 cm ('A inch) in lengrh. The single beads on sonie chains were added to the bali thread before tatting the trim. Refer ro Method 2 on page 17.

2 ovals togcthcr; lcaving a spacc ar one end tlirouglt w hi eh to tum them to the right sicie. C/ip around the curie or trim with pin king shenrs, os thcsc norc/i the edge niccly. Turn right-sidc out carefully and press the scams fiat. Fo/d the third oval in half, right-sidc inwards. Sew around this similarly and rum to the righr sidc. Artach the pockct to the inner sidc of the bag by ovcrsewing invisibly along the scams. Th en posirion the lace on the ourside, racic ir on lightly. and carefully hand sew the lace to the fabric. Add the snop fastener to fceep the flap elosed.

You can trim the bag with wfiatcver strikes your fancy, narrow fringing perhaps. Lasrly, if you want ir, a trach the shoulder cord. Now make a rescrvarion for an evening out!

Three beads on a formed picor

Materials I shuttle

No. 20 cotton of chosen colonr 18 smali beads

I ni (I yd) contrasting thread crochet book

emft/y egg, blown or plastic


Mounted egg

Herc is nn atrractivc gifc for a fricnd at Eastcr, or jusr as a dccorativc piece in a suitablc resr. Therc arc rwo cattcd hatoes


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