jow01 09

jow01 09

porln te twlet the body frm tha walet towardt the loft kr.oe ao that the rlrht thoulder Veo»|. the nearest to the left aa ln ficarclac lr

Thia dcnte, untwlet, eominr -baek to tha orlglnal poeition, breathing la aa you do

Bond forworde araLn. but thla tine twlet towar da tho oppoaltc knoo.

Krory tiao you fbol that jrou horo twiatod to tha limit. Jurt try to go a llttlo farthor.

Al tor .-a to tha noremente Arom aide to eido for a la nor mam te.

Don1ta to arold. bon»t bonrt tha kneee.

Don‘t -oko tha oorenent a ewlag, make it a physleal offort.

!or.*t hond fren tho Kipa, bond fYoc tha walet.

Don*t rcploet your bronthlng.

Don»t forgot to etudy tho illuetrntlona bo faro oasx>encing.


You aaeuao tho eano po a i tl on aa you eonnonced tho flrat ozorcico. That la, fbet a part wlth th® banda upon tha hi pa.

*•* oaroAłlly atudy thia ozorcieo aa it la accncwhat eanplloatad but you will got it oaay enough lf you atudy tho poaitiona that illuatroto thia partlcular ezeroiae.

.Tlrat, bond forward aa nu oh aa you oan teward tho laft tido aa in JSterelao 2, poaitios (a), nozt turn to tho right aide aa in tzorclao 2, poottion (h), thon back»-warda aa ahoan In Ezerciec 2, poaltion (o), and oontinuc to eirole to tho oppoaito aide until you aro beck In the original poaition.

You aetually deaeribo a eirele wlth the body rcwolwlng tram the walet, bendiag tha limit aa nueh aa you poealbly oan aa you oirola.

Rroatho Łn aa you eo»<moe and oontinue to do ao aa yau oirola. Only broatho out aa you pauaa pr lor to ataking tha o o eon d ropotitlon.

7hia ezoroiaa will catoh all the ouecloa that aurrouad the wal ot a:*2 the anall of the baak, girlng a naaaaging effeot upon the kidneya aa woli aa u pac tho intoatinea.

You will find that aix cireular norcmonte mre auffieimt to porfsrm thia eacerciae.


Don’t bond the Icaoca.

Dan»t raiae off tho fiat of tho fbet.

Don't bo afraid to make ocaplete bonda.

Don*t do tha ozeroiao too faat.


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