jow04 04

jow04 04

' ‘-Ihi reaaoa the roaction'it felt upór. the baok la for the aisple reaaon that the r-ajor nenre lina that nourishos tho logo and flaot hut lta aource Ir. tho lowor back in what wo tom tho aoerosplr.alla (tho hlpo), and tho lwbar region (tho oa.lL of tho baok.) e-rery foot that B"er.a to roat fiat u?on tho floor la not nocoesartly fiat*

Tho natur*1 construotion la ort on loa.

Howewer, erory poraoc ahould dovoto a aufflelont aaount ©f care to tho foot for thoy aro of »cr# i-nportano© than big biorca.

•Irat undcretanf tho wuaclea of the lowor linb that eon troi the foot. T wight bottor oay that tho foot control* thon, but noeor

Tho gastroeuenlua la that largo talu ho ad od muaole that foma tho bulk of tho

It la dir id od tntc an laner ho ad and an outor ho ad. Look tho co up on your chart aont you witfc Lobson 1.

Thlc nuoolo runa into whr.t la oallod tho Soleus ronaolo that trawolo toworda tho hool, and thia nusclo In tum loaoa ltaolf In tho Achilles tordon that fltc a-.^j and undor tho bonę of tho hool.

Tho poronoal ru.s down the of tho oalf ar.d lnaorta into tho lnaUp.

Tho foot la a hin c. go ploaso conaldor lt ca auoh.

Tho aoiion of tho foot ia lłmltol, inaawuoh aa lt la ntainly an lnatmaont of

floxlon and cr jor.u Lw..

Flooclen you ralor tho foot In auoh a aannor aa to ahorten tho dlatanoo botwoon '.a.u« lud tho fOOt.

J^tcn.'.on whrr. you point tho foot.

•;:.o r -•..i-’ of r ot la ror - lłslted. Hasior to turr. In th&r. out. That ia why aro noro people plgoo:: iood than with turr.od out fbot.

lt la woli undoratood tnat tho oalr bu: loa aro very hard to make roepond to prowth.

The aaln reaaon if booouso we uoo theao nuaoloa to cuch that tho budoIo etruo-turo boecme oory donco.

Th* fibrua aro uoco m-ieraua than olaowhoro, noro eompoot, thoroforo nuoh hardor to broa.- down ln order to o^eatc a catlafht tor*/ replaeessont.

Tho oalf and fbream aiiaeloa ARS tho hardoat auaoloa to bulld up, but I wiJl ahcw o"n be tr aor ęnre of aa oaally as the nuccleo of tho baok or * V mrm*

I7łt.h Jiia lor son 1 ar giTłng you four foot oreroisoa to praetioo. 1 mtit you to bo aineoro ln praot.clng thon, Juot as nunh os you aro ln trolnlng tho othor smr.olota

At tho same tira you aniat ntnror get dloeouragod booauso you do not booujo ra ijulck roaulta aa srlth a orno of tho othor muacloa. Thoy aro not no ant to bo huęo and bulky.

lt all dtponda upon how henry a poraon ia, but on nny aisod non a eerontoen inch oalf la a rory big noaauronont.

A ran who atanrta enly fWo fbet four will look ao woli wlfch a oalf wooauromont of fourtoon and a half Ir.choa aa a olx focter will irith a sawontoen Ineh jaoasuroment.

In Ibct nony non haoo an upper ara scasuromont larger than tho lico of thoIr


The calf, aook and uppor om should run about ocual. Otough any balanoo of slso • would giro to tho bieop by half an Inch, and tho nook by a half Ineh largor than tho bieop, but it all deponda on tho generał eonatruatien of a non aa to that.

nono men aro hoary hippod, hnvo largo thighs, thon lt is only natura] to soo a pratty toawy palr of ealrn undomoath.



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