jow05 04

jow05 04

If you thlnJe In torcie of cloanlinoaa you will livo in elear.!Lnosa. A ciotui nind In n oloan body ahould bc orery body culturi at*s netto for right Uwlng*

Up to dato we havc taknn oaro of tho organs, bronthing, diet, masaogo, tho foot, tho oyoa, and tho aouth*

Sow we are ;;oi«s to start on tho subjoct of roal nuaolo caking* YCJU AH£

HEADY, and ycu will grow faator by bo In- inatrueted on tho yarioua aubjcota aa I ha to taught you, and at tho ea-e tino tunlng your rusclos pro para tory to tho tr a ln Ing that otarta fro- today*

Baforo atarting you ofT Z havo an ordor of Łnwtwit tKinga to arrange your trainlnr, aehodule on.

Your or.tlro prognua will be aoro or loas changod*

In order to mko thoao pointa oaally gra*pod I will eatalog thon in tho -ioat undoratamlobie way*


1* Ali of tho e^crclses In your aocont' and fourth weołca» aohodulo aro to bo olimlnated at nirht and aro to bo practiocd in tho aorning.

Z* thia noana that fror. now on your brcathlng and foot enereiaoa are to bo practlood crer,. nbming on ar i a Ing»

3* Cona^noo all of tho no aornlng oxercł9oa with tho count of tlx and do not perflora oaoh earerclso any noro than tmlil taormnenta*

4. Thia loaroo you ot nlght tho oxereiooa in tho firat and thlrd woclcs* aohodulo whieh aro olght in suaber, all told•

6.    Praetico thoao elght osoreiaeo with tho four now onorolaea giron thia wook

with tho Jowntt /Ulorum Dolin*

€• 'klntaln a woll«balaneed rtiot threughout tho day#

7,    Praetioo your MjbcIo Buildinr, oxorci*oa evor: nirht*

9. Aftcr oaoh night'# praetioo nao*a;,« tho ruboIos, taka a topid ahower or bath* Cloan tho toeth and oloanoe tho raouth and throat* Also praetioo tho oyo noveaenta*

i. Praetico with a «tmg Joeh strap wora around tho loina.

10# Do not une aoro woi.rht than fiv© poundo to start with*

11* Aftcr you harc roached tho raxiacn ro po ti tlone that c ot troi oaoh er.orcino, ooioortce oror with tho origlnal eount and odd a#ro ;*cigh;*

12* rn addiag aoro weight uao your -eo:’ Ju^mont* Do r.ot -ot t.oo anbltieua*

Uao th© wolrht that allo>.s you to 'orfora oaoh osorelso P.IOHT*

13* Soo that all of ymir esoreiooe aro adulninterod with oorroot broabhing*

Thooo tuggoi tlona aro ChDESS and I want you to 03£Y thsn#

If you do not, you tako your own ohancoa on tli* renults you will pot, but tho way I fbol about it io that ycu havo ahcrwn such unuaual int«r«*t to far, you will bo aoro onthuaod working on thia now progres than you we on tho lOLSt*

Tho way haa boon powod. Jfow go out and GET tho rooulta,

I horo lod you by tho ahortest and tho bost routo*

It la all up to you In tho euro with whioh you study tho •sorcleea and ths illustrationa, and tho offort you pwt bohind Cfcry moT'...jent*

X an wato bing you oaroiUlly and I trust your progroaaien will go ahood with loaps and bou.-ida* It ahould fror. now on*

:••* jowotu




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