It nlco has a groat Lofluonoo opon your cKoat and ahdanor., and eoae oi' tho effoot raay be fblt by tho thigho.
Don*t place your Ooot imdor any objoot to hołd thon do>m.
Don»t forgot to lowor tho FUlcnn Bell* conplotoly when lorę ring and to roaeh up when ralalnp ororhead.
Don»t nogloet your breathlng* In and out rhythaloally.
BKorciee 20.
Tou now astmo tho oroot poeitlon. Body hołd oroct and tho foot together. .Thouldora book and the oyes followłn- tho courso of th« Morai Bolls.
' a
Tho Fulorum Bell* will bo hanglng by your tldeo wlth tho palne of your honda ffeoing dlrcct front.
Orasp tho Pul o rura Bolls flmly, and ln a clrcular novoa»nt curl tho rUinrto Dolic togothor to the ahcmldor ao tho illuatration shcars.
Do not allow your arms to bo nrossod lnto your sldon, nor allow the elbowrs to trovol baok.
If oithor ls dor.o, the Yaluo of the exeroito is lessened.
You nust now allow your body to bend baekwarda aa you aurl the Fblorun Della to your ahoulders.
Keithor aro you allownd to swing tho wolght to your ahoulderi*
łbit oxorcise la ontiroly for tho bicope of your arm, and nust bo dono oxolueiY«ly by then.
Praetico thla novonont for tho count of nine, and overy third praotice nlght add one nor* ropetltion untll tho count of elghtaen ls ronohed.
Don't belłoY© that tho easiest way of dolng an exercloo ls tho bost, It ls not. Do mcaotly aa exnlalnod ic oach ereroiae AI^AYS.
Don't forget to contmot tho bieone aa wuoh as poealblo by bending your ara at tho elbo<* all you oan. Alao, straighton your arna out by your sirfo in order to oanploto fh^ll tonuion of your uppar era.
I hops that you thoroughly ur.dorstand that after you havo roaehod tho llialt of rop- tlHo£u nanod fbr oach crxerolno, that you are to eamenco all cTer at tho rrlrŁicl count tut add noro lororago
»vorythiag oror corefully and be suro that you aro do Ing ©vorythlng
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