Physical Culturc has becn one of my hobbies for about four years. First I tried iree cxercise, but soon came to the conclusion that tor development it was nccessary to exercise against resistance. I then tried an expander, and obtained a certain amount of development, bul decided I was not rcally strong. Wcights came next. I stuck at it, and madę good progress against gradually incrcasing resistance. Finally I decided weights were not ihe ideał system for me, as so much time was wasted in each work-out in changing the weights, and also I noticed that when I worked on my ałlotment I soon bccame fatigued. Surely, thought I, if I ant becoming stronger, this ought not to be so. I then conclttded that the weight training was using up a great dcal of nervous energy and that this was not heing replaced.
Thereupon I tried your system, which 1 arn very pleascd to state has ]>roved to be just what I requirc. It is interesting and does not takc up too much time. I can feel that I ani becoming stronger, and l think the bent and broken 6 inch nails which I cnclosc prove this statement, as when T hegan work • -n the Apollon Course I could make no impression on a 6 inch nail.
I ani able to work bard on my ałlotment and after a wash, a meal and a short rest, ani ready for another spell.
But rny chief benefit is that I am able to maintain a sunny and opiimistic temperament at my daily work with forty boys and girls in one of otir Council Schoołs.
P.S.—The photographs were taken tliis year.
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