Stady ccr.fblly thc infomation ^iron horo eoyorlnc fooda that aro ourstlro promntlTe of tho orli* of eo»«tl?atian. Xt la lnportoat that you ahould be infarcod on foodt and thoir raluee ao that yoii can oot flor hoalth.
Tho sana flooda that tond to pro rent conatlpation oor.ariao tho fooda that ©or.ati-tute tho vm 11 -ba lano ad diet- Homror, pooplo who aro oubjoot to chroni c and aoute oonstipation ahould aoloot rooda that havo groat bul‘:, ouoh aa Tran, Collulooe,
Ja cnobo lalrrlaat (thia lo a Japanoio soa wood product aold la drug atorea aa agar-\-*r), noro ftmlta and rcgotablea—rau rc-otable* whencror poaalble. Ouoh aeraana - tako alnoral oil, or ołlvo oil, dally. Coroflal conoidoration ahcrild bo gimn to tho aserelao of maelea that *urrour.J the abdoaan.
Apolae, ATTicoto, 3enanaa, Canialouco, Chorrioa, Cranberrle*, Datoa, Figa. jrapofimlt. Oran,*« .toleo, Pruaea, Ftoah ^trauborrloa, Slaekberrioa ani luM ^rrio*. 3łuta fom a raluablo fuod and aro an ald to hoalth.
Aapar-.-u*, Boana, Ooota, Cabbage, Caullflotrer, Celery, Curunbora, Oniona. Parani pa, ffcahrooaa, Poaa, Punpkin, .-hubarŁ, Tomtooa, Turnia, Spinach and Paroloy an-.* othor rresr.a.
"uttor, *lUc, Duttomilk, Cheeae, Croan, Lgga, loB Croan, Ifcat. ;:ut persona troublod wlth oenatipatlon ahould not oot mat oore than on co a day. Amid pork, alao mai. ?c-»f atoak, dono raro, la -oat.
Ollt of aInorai orlgln, auch ca Jfr-^ol, do not act aa fbods. Thoy aot aa lubrloaata and aro rery helprul In rolieTlr.r eonatlpatlon.
Cod Liror Oli la a bu lider and of roni help for person* In a run down oondttlc oapoolally if thoy doairo to gala laałfht. Http othor oila of ro-otablo and anlrwl orlgln ham an fcnportnnt place In the dlot, chlofly In su-.flying fbt. ^caaploa are ollro oil, aut olla.
Harley, Brmn, Com Młako a, Croaa of Vheat, fl»reo, Orapo Mu ta, :thoatoaa, tellof.r'■ Eruablea, Pufflad rheat or Hloe, Oatnoal, Poat Toaatiea, Ktre-ldod TTheat.
Whole >heat brood, Ilonę nade blaculta, Bya bread, Com bread, Com «onl prod-ucta, Crackora, rcad :nado wlth Oluten Plour, 'Tlnoamon and CoffOe nma, «holo wheat pan calce a, Buelcwlwat cakea or paneafcet. lny of the breada neutionod ray b« toaatod.