mus dev(7) 22

mus dev(7) 22


(Addreaa givrn opon reaueat)

Mr. Atlaa. 1 am proud la aaj. I> anoihcr eaample ol wbal correct racrcire will do. Hc !i mr atrongcal pupil and wbal I harc donc (or him I can do lor anronc il tbej orill lollow mr progrraaiee aratcm aa he ha* donc.

Thia photo waa taken immediately after completing my courae. a»d you cannot judgc kia aire by thit pictnre.

Mr AtUa reeently preated 366 Iba. orerhead witb one aria. and I prcdict hc will abortly rank with the world'a beat. He ha* a 17H

mch neck. a 16ti tnch bicefa and a ,ntfh e|,n,



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