



Submandibular ganglion

parotid ftirotid duci Buccinator Masseter

farotid gland Branches of facial nervo

Fxternal jugular vein Sternodeidomastoid musclc Intornal jugular vein Exłernal carotid artery

Tongue Subiingual plica wilh openings of minor subiingual Subiingual caruncle Major subiingual duet Subiingual gland Submandibular

Lingual nerve Subiingual artery Mylohyoid Submandibular


Figurę 7.24 Salivary Gland Structure_

The salivary glands serve several functions. induding keeping the orał cavity moist and lubricated to protect it from abrasion, controlling orał bacteria by secreting lysozyme, liquetying the łood (thereby allowing mołecules within the food to interact with and stimulate the taste budsj, seaeting r ak ium and phosphate for tooth formation and maintenance, and secreting amylase to begin digestion of starches. The serous acinar cdls secrete the protein and enzymatic compo-nents ol saliva, whereas the mucous acinar cells secrete a watery (low-mucin) mucus. The parotid gland is composed entirely of serous acini. The subiingual gland contains predominateły mucous acim, witr some serous acini as well. Tlie submandibular gland contains a mix-ture of serous and mucous acini. Lingual lipase (secreated by von Ebner's serous glands ol the tonguet mixes with the saliva and begms the digestion of fats.



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