Thyroid Gland: Structure
Hyoid bonę
Lymph node Phrenic nerve
Superior vena cava
Superior laryngeal nervc Thyrohyoid membranę Thyroid cartilage
Pyramidal 1
Leftlobe T!'V,°id I gland
Right lobe Isthmus J
bcternal carotid Superior thyroid Superior thyroid vein Common carotid artery Internal jugular Cricoid cartilage Middle thyroid vein Interior thyroid Interior thyroid artery Vagus
Brachiocephalic tinnominate) vcins and artery
Figurę 8.8 Thyroid Gland Structure_
The thyroid gland is a ducriess endocrine gland that weighs about 20 grams and consists of a right and lett lobe joined by an isthmus. In 15% ot thc population. there is a smali pyramidal lobe extending cra-nially, as in this figurę. Ihe gland lies anterior to the trachea and just interior to the cricoid cartilage. As with all endocrine glands. the thy roid has a rich yascular supply and venous drainage.