Intrahepatii Biliary System
Noto. The figurę shows bile canaliculi as structures with walls of iheir own. However, boundaries of canaliculi are really a specialization of surface membranes of adjacent liver cells
Figurę 7.30 Intrahepatic Biliary System_
The hepatocytes secrete bile into the bile canaliculi (approximatdy 900 mL/day of bile is produced). Bile tlows from the canaliculi to the intralobular ductules and then empties into the bile ducts that run with the portal vein and hepatic artery branches. In between meals.
approximately half of the hepatic bile is storerJ and concentrated in the gałlbladder. Consequently. bile that reaches the duodenum is a mixture of the morę dilute bile directly from the liver and concentrated bile from the gallbladder.