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Zagadnienia z zakresu językoznawstwa
KEYWORDS: lateralization, dichotic listening, split brain studies, aphasia, Broca's aphasia, Wemicke' s aphasia, anomia, speech comprehension and production, top-down and bottom-up processes, anticipation errors, spoonerism, tip-of the-tongue.
KEYWORDS: synchronic and diachronic linguistics; causes of language change: principle of the least effort, imperfect leaming, language contact; types of sound change, morphological change, lexical change, syntactic change and semantic change; language families, cognates, comparative reconstruction, Proto-Indo-European.
Crystal, D. 1987. The Cambridge encyclopedia of language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fromkin, V. — R. Rodman - N. Hyams. 2007. An introduction to language [8th edition]. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth.
Lyons, J. 1982. Language and linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Yule, G. 1991. The study of language [2nd edition]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.