Notes from..
“This time of year involves reams oflists and lots and lots of panie”
Have you ever stopped to calculate the man-hours it takes to decide on the right Christmas gift for someone?
This time of year involves endless brain activity, reains oflists, and lots and lots of panie.
Panic is all part of the process. True creativity never appears to order. Just watch our men-folk on Christmas Eve afternoon in a fiat spin, scurrying in and out of each shop on the high Street buying anything that could be slightly suitable for their beloved.
Over the years my deiight in giving presents has been somewhat tarnished by receiving some serious oddities in return. However, having once had a mother-in-law who was not known for generosity, I remember one year gratefully accepting her festive package containing a pair of rubber gloves and printed calendar tea towel two years out ofdate! And my children were once definitely under-whelmed with my gift to them ofa goat. Relief all round when they realised that it was destined for a smali village in Ghana. One ofmy friends, who has a reputation for being very careful with her finances, recycles received gifts - little presents chosen for her with thought and kindness are rewrapped, relabelled, and recycled, very eco-friendly! Her filing system must be infallible, as no one has ever received their own gift back the following year. May be 1 should test the system and offer her the gloves and tea towel this year!
Stickyour fmished design on to a pretty piece ofcard to create a nouelty gift tag
1 Cross stitch in two strands | |
0 002 |
SI 403 |
@ 226 |
0 885 |
241 |
13 926 |
01 245 |
0 1043 |
H] 305 | |
Backstitch in two strands | |
1-~3 112 |
Backstitch in one strand
French knots in two strands
French knots in one strand
~— 1236
L* ! 112
Wrłte to Margaret at:
CrossStitcher, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA12BW or email