Vol. 36(2), 2001
Figs 32-43 Sliclls: 32-39) Badllariaminima (Gcnc)in) from Margarita lsland, Vcnczucla, collection ofmain variation and anomalies samplcs, all frontal view, scalę = 2 mm; 40-41) Cerithidea cosiota from Margarita lsland, Vcnczuela, frontal view, 40) spccimen as found in Naturę, 41) cleaned specimen, scalc — 5 mm; 42) Campanile symbolicum Iredalc from Western Australia, frontal view, scalę = 10 mm; 43) Serpulorbis decussatus (Gcnelin) from Guarapari, Hspirito Santo, dorsal view, scalę - 5 mm.
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203Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 1-16 Shells: 1-3) Aylacostoma exoplicata from Tucurui, Para, 1-2) fronUii v207Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 51-67 Opercula in SEM (outer view exccpt those iudicaled): 51) Aylacosioma209Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 82-90 Radnlae in SEM: 82-83) Aylacosloma exopUcala 84-85) A. ci; 86) A. ten227Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 215-224 Doryssa ipupiara anatemy: 215) buccal mass and csophagus, bolli opc231Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 257-264 Doryssa macapa anatomy: 257) pallia) cavity, ventral-inner view; 25233Vol.36(2), 2001 Figs 272-281 Pachychiłus sp. anatomy: 272) anterior region of viscera) mass, dors237Vol. 36(2), 2001 Figs 307-313 Modulus modulus anatomy: 307) bucca! mass, ventral vicw; 308) same,179 Vol. 36(2), 2001 after free ftom style sac, bears two loops in right side of this, in this regio193 Vol. 36(2), 2001 The jaws consisting of two plates are found in all examined species of cerithio7 Sport 50 Statystyka oświaty 20 Stosunki interpersonalne 5, 31, 36 Szkoła podstawowa 32-33,45,165 Vol. 36(2), 2001 or margin of ovopositor. In ovopositor of immature females (figs 247, 252) only173 Vol. 36(2), 2001 Description. Shell (figs 27, 28,48). Smali (up to 10 mm) slender, turriform, up175 Vol. 36(2), 2001 Digestive system (figs 348-358). Mouth and buccal mass similar to those of B. v177 Vol. 36(2), 2001 longitudinal, thickly muscular. Buccal mass poste-riorto snout. Jaws (figs 80,3189 Vol. 36(2), 2001 (Linne) (Taylor & Miller, 1989:230, figs 4-6,22b) and other cerithids (Risbdsc00110 (10) Poród: . Kobieta z cukrzycą od 36-37 (lub 32) tygodnia ciąży powinna być hospitalizowa66 (160) 126 The Viking Age in Denmark have becn fouhd (Figs 32-3).7 They stem from thc same provinc36 MIECZYSŁAW BOMBIK [32] talnego, przy czym jest to droga relatywnie niezależna od teorii, w rwięcej podobnych podstron