Vol. 36(2), 2001

Figs 215-224 Doryssa ipupiara anatemy: 215) buccal mass and csophagus, bolli opcned longitudinally by means of a section in tlieir righl sidc, inner surfacc cxposcd; 216) stornach, dorsal view, inner surfacc cxposcd by means of a median longitudinal scction; 217) pericardium dissected, ventral view; 218) buccal mass, dorsal vicw; 219) odontophore with First layerofmuscles and membranes partiaily extractcd, ventral view; 220) same, dorsal vicw; 221) same, ventral vicw, radula and subradular cartilagc extreetcd, right ml 0 partiaily scctioned; 222) same, dorsal vicw, left part of subradular membranę and m4 extracted to show ianer structures; 223) same, ventral vicw, most of muscles deflcctcd to show iuner structurcs; 224) detail of fig. 223 with horizontal musclc exhractcd. Scales « I mm.


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