p04 (16)

p04 (16)

IIIus. 2 — Right Side Description

27.    Throttle (carburetor) control grip — tum outward to close throttle; tura inward to open throttle.

28.    Steering damper (extra eąuipment). Applies steering friction to prevent front wheel wobble and shimmy at higher speeds. For all normal service, keep handle in left side (free) position; move handle right to desired friction, when running at high speeds.

29.    Horn (tonę adjusting screw in horn back).

30.    Spark plugs. Keep clean and gap between points adjusjed to .025 to .030 inch. Do not take apart for cleaning. Clean with sand-blast cleaner found in nearly every service station.

After a new motor has gone through its slow and moderate speed running-in period, if it is then driven considerable at high speeds, colder than original equipment plugs will probably be needed. This will be indicated by overheating, loss of power, excessive knocking, and blistcring of pług core tips. Disregard of these indications of the need of colder plugs may result in damage from overheating.

When plugs need to be replaced. get new plugs from your Harley-Davidson dealer. He can supply you with the type of pług best suited to your reąuirements. Experimenting with plugs of un-proven ąuality and suitability is inviting trouble.

31.    Safety Guard (extra eąuipment).

32.    Brake footpedal. See description No. 44.

33.    Valve tappet and spring covers.

34.    Ignition Circuit breaker.

35.    Oil feed pump. See "Instrument Panel Signal Lights."

36.    Oil pressure switch. See "Instrument Panel Signal Lights."

37.    Stop light switch. See Illus. 12.

38.    Adjusting screw for front chain oiling. (In top edge of gear case cover, not in pump body.) Add thin washers (2 in tool kit) under screw head for morę oil; take off washers for less oil.

39.    Transmission oil filier pług. Check oil level every two weeks and add oil if necessary. Fili to the level of filier opening. Use same grade of oil used in motor—summer and winter. In ex-tremely cold weather, if shifting becomes difficult due to transmission oil becoming congealed to some extent. thin with a smali amount of kerosene.

Motorcycle should be standing straight up, not leaning on Jiffy Stand, when adding oil to transmission.

40.    Clutch lever. See Illus. 10—"Adjusting Clutch Controls."

41.    Right side rear wheel adjusting screw. See description No. 24 under "Left Side Description."

42.    Rear axle nut. See "Removinq Rear Wheel."

43.    Brake sleeve nut. This nut as well as axle nut 42 must be loosened to permit moving rear wheel, when re-adjusting rear chain.

44.    Rear brake rod adjustment. Adjust length of brake rod so brake does not start to take effect until footpedal is pushed downward about one inch. Tum rear wheel to make surę that brake is not too. tight and dragging.

45.    Negative (grounded) battery terminal. Keep clean and con-nection tight.

46.    Oil tank vent pipę.

47.    Oil supply pipę to feed pump.

48.    Oil return pipę from scavenger pump undemeath gear case.

49.    Oil tank drain pług. See No. 50.

50.    Oil tank cap—gauge rod inside tank.

Use Harley-Davidson "Regular Heavy" oil above 4-32°F.: Harley-Davidson "Medium Heavy" oil when predominating temperaturę is + 32° F. to + 10° F.; Harley-Davidson "Light" oil when predominating temperaturę is + 10° F. or colder.




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