P1190344 (2)

P1190344 (2)


Edwnttl Pudelku

• t i SWe of pracr — uf Ihc beli from Iłębimilli Kuliikic (Kcgional Muscum <>l /icmu Kihilil

Fig. 5: 1-5). Theone-piccc fibula has a spirally lurncd font (Fig. 5:2).TbeX-nji (taken at the State Archaeological Muscum in Warsa w) of the broad bow-stafd fibula hew showed that u was dccoratcd on the both sides with nolehed /ig-«£> li has owcoilcd spring and a straight nccdlc. I do not know the nnalogy oftbe dneribed łonu of fibulac The fibulac Front the Sieradz region rcprcseni anotto H of importcd fibulac from the old cxcavations. e.g: From Bogumiłów (thf Dąbrową type). from Chojnę (bow fibula) and Pyszków (bow fibula), as wdlui dragm fibula From Korytnica ncar Ostrów Wielkopolski. Fibulac of the Kowali* uu.e type wrre found in Jaraczewo, district of Jarocin. Ostrów Wielkopolski ta Szkudh). district of Pleszew.

Ta the group of lusuriuus products we may classily metal chaim wtad played a role of a decorative horsegear or bclls. The lattcr interpretation sccimt be —ppurlril by the materiał* from the urn from grave 2 in Dębntalki Kaliskie contatmng multipłc burial: of a woman in the age of Aduhus and a child. From th gravc vo.seI ni the muscum conditions, sonie corroded elcmcnls of an iron be SphftMhk were ucąuircd (Fig. 8). It was modę of 30 prcciscly lorged denw* hakcd tugrther with nngs. It was fasten with a narrow piąte buckie wilh i lw° ■ad a ring (Fig. 9). It was dccoratcd with seta of clinking pieccs, cuch ofthcm'

____aa___•». ł—J _ —

(ti4« |9S7: V, Fig. 4).6 The w hole fragmented and partially lurnped dccoration •iwirDębnmłkt » 130 cm long. so it is too long for a fornale waist. Therefore an-otlja method of wcaring it was reconstructcd. taking into consideration presenling ihCM clinktng piece* in the front part, similarly to a belt with shect ornament*, «htdi I an illustration (Fig. 617) of a paper on hoards by W. Szafrański (1955) In g it part of (ircui Poland, fragment* of iron chains of undeftned funcimn occurred it Bientdtki ncar Kalisz, Osiek and Przybysław, districl of Jarocin.

In the ftrst from the listed places. apart from a fragmented chain. a battlc-ax4*nd | spearhead were found, which wcrc element* of weapon belongtng to tbepoipłc buncd there (Jakimowicz 1935: 254. Fig* 24. 2S). The baltle-axes, to uhicliSouthern provenancc is assigncd, arc also represented by the exemplar from Gutów Dear Oalrów Wielkopolski, found during amateur excavalions. Among the ' liH.ii connccted w ith Scythians in that part of Poland. there arc bronzc arrow-Hcid* from (.ubnice and Zagórzyn. In the first of the places (which used to bclung 10 *he province of Kalisz), also a bronzc acinace* was found, which today is in the collection orthe Museum in Wieluń (Kaszewski 1986: 144. Fig. XXX: 20). The tind* of iron spearheads, apart from the mentioned one in Biematki. were madę in: Brzezie, grave 295 (Pudełko 1996: 181, Platę III: 13); Bogusław, district of 1’lnzew; Czekanów, district of Ostrów; Kalisz-Piwonicc: Skrajna, district of Kalisz; Szczonów. district of Jarocin; and in Wiórek, district of Ostrów.7 A fragment of bronzc latc-Lusatian nec klace dccoratcd with a row of circular bosses (Fig. 11:

1) occurred at the last ccmctcry from the list. which has not becn cxcavated by rcscarchcrs Bcfore that an carly-Celtic torc had bcen found in Klonówck. district ofTurek (Kostrzcwski 1955: 179, Fig. 507), and a knobbed bracelct in already mentioned Piwonicc (S. Krukowski 1914: 43 -50).

An uniquc find is a bronzc minor from the ccmctcry in Pleszew (sitc 2, grave **l)(Fig. 10: I). M. Gcdl. assuming its Etruscan provcnancc. dates it to the łlaO (|V88, Platę 21: 570). The pottery materiał acquircd from the savcd part of the •cmetery in principle docs not warrant such lale chronology of that objęci.

In closing. I would likc to mention the places of finding compnrativcly cheap, end becausc of that the most common imports - i.e. glazc bcadv Thcy occurred m purticularly large i mm ber in the gravcs discovcrcd in the district of Jarocin, forcsamplc: Dębno, Gąsiorowo, Jarocin, Kotlin-Waliszew. Krctków, Paruchowo, Prtybysław, Raszewy and Siekicrzyna. In a smallcr ainount thcy were found m the central part of the discusscd arca (Brudzew. Brzezie, Dębni alki Kaliskie. K.i-lisz-Tynlec. Kalisz-Winiary) and in the south in Kępno and Łubnice. The highest number ■ nbovc 270 picccs - were discovcrcd iii Raszewy, in Brzezie 140. tn l.uhnicc 27 and in Dębnialki Kaliskie IS (Fig. 12).

A umilili type of jewellery madę of amber was discovc-rcd within the foliom -mg nccropoliscs: in Biematki ncar Kalisz (whcrc. acconling to official documcnis.

* Tlie willi conlaincd also lince ilcms of slicct jewellery. madę and dcomiicd sinularly lo llie iwin of bronzc nnnlcls found In gruves 280 and 295 ai the ccmcleiy in Uize/ic ncar Pleszew

’ Acconling lo the accounl ol llie owner of tlić propcriy. <'/erlaw- OcckuKki


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