P1190341 (2)

P1190341 (2)

338 Edward Pudełko

trarer fbrtns decoratcd w uh graphite coat may be numbered among Ituurious ob-jwu Numerous e\emplans of that kind of poitery - often imprcssively decorat-ed. »«rt acquued dunng the excav ations in e.g.: Bażantarnia, district of Ostrów WKllopoldi (IkircKWiki 194S: 312—313. Platę LXXX: 3), Brzezie, district of Pleszew (Pudełko |i%: 185, Platę V: 4, 6). Jarocin (Grygiel 1984: 271). Pleszew (Pudełko 2005. in print). Skrajna (Jamka 1937: 12. Fig. 28a). In the first ofthe Itsted pluees 2 Rajcwskt cxcavated a smali vase-like vessel with bellied. Iow b>od>. funncl neck and cvertcd rim (Fig. 2). The upper part of the body was ncUy decoratcd with the rows of diagonal strokes and 3 pairs of knobs. The method of omantentaiion imitatcs roulette decoration front the south of Buropc. Among the graphttr-pamied and blackcned poitery lirom Brzezie, therc is a conspicuous bo» I madę of finc clay. graphite-painted m the upper part. decoratcd with a row of sin tields notched with comb-like tool (Fig. 3: 1). A fragment of similarly decomcd

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Ff. 1 Ve»d fnMB Bdoumo (Urgin—1 Miocum of Ziemw Kaloka) ftn BnciK. aa iropoited »tBel(lł(**P

found ai the fortified sile in Komorowo near Szamotuły is treated asanun-gaa(Gardawski 1979: 279, Fig. 166). That vesscl sccms have origin in Horakov d'uic.: TWo olher artefacis - a tulip-shaped. blackened vesse1 decoratcd with •anging tnanęlcs found in Jarocin, and a fragment of a largo vasc from Raszrwy iMAo, Splitt, Ziąbka 1990: 56. Fig. 27: S) - should be asstgned to the sotnh I ,m<pc. preciscly to the Givi culturc. An atypical form and decoration charac-crijiai m um from Kamień, district of Kalisz. Besides the obligatory geometrical mpresscd decoration also somc schemat ic image of a bird - probably a duck or »-»» embedded into the blackened surface of that um. An um from Pleszew ctauined bones of that kind of bird (Abłamowicz. Kubiak 1999: 14).

Olher uniąuc imported forms arc e g.: a conical lid with a hole. saved from )k oonetery in Brudzewo, district of Kalisz (today in the collection of Archaeo-gical Muscum in Poznań): a double-bodied vessel from Lupice at the tnouth of ikc nver Prosną (Wieczorowski 1938: 120. Fig. 4: 3); a censerand a clay imitauon >'f metal utula found in Raszewy (Pudełko. Splitt. Ziąbka 1990,56. Fig! 21.27: |); JouK-pots and censers from Góra. district of Jarocin (Durczcwski. Śmigielski 1166:118, Platę 42:42.50).

A węll prcserved bronzc exemplar of cist was found dunng preparations car-ńtd out befone building a dam on the Warta in Zakrzew (afrer the admirustratne relonn district of Sieradz, earłier district of Turek).

A vase of the Gcvelighausen-Vcjo-Seddin type is dated to Hallstatt B3 period (HaB3) (Urban 2004: 224). The surface of the \essel madę of thin bronzc sbect * decoratcd with embossed from the inside. zooal decoration |łj7>vo«>ki Fig- 5: 22) (Fig. 4: I). We shall also add that a younger and also a vety mipresswc artefoct is a bronzc vessel from the vicinitv of Słupca (Łuka 1957-

* I would likc to ihank Profcwr • tTwrfwn»»ski Ihr hetp « Jrtc

H Itw rhriiiit»jj of


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