<•: Bacfc and front cA stn gm skin *»th da/ts and back vant.
Ibl Cut IM skin langth put 10cm (4*1 Uom tha fabr»: Cul Nvo strip*. each V« hip maasuramant ♦ 5cm <2*|. Mark IM hip l*val and str*^ht greln foW urdm ćctar *dp*« #or eantr* back ard Cantra front.
lei To rrodal th* front skm. pm tha fabrk to IM Stand. matchmg hłp Ic^ofis.
<01 Pm tha kJo aaam
at>cva ?h* hip and fo<d surplus fabr c łnto a wa*t dan Jem ij*,>*) k>og on tha panal Ima la) FokJ dan ro*ard» cantra f^ont and complaia sida saam
<f) Marc taamlinaa and dan edgas
10 Measura up from tha foor to mark ham tav*l
<gi Medal tną back skin. leawng sorptus fabric abova łha in tna pana* saam ara a
IM Fold and pn a dan
Wem <5V»*| ong on tha pjnal Ima
i|l Compfatod patia*rv