Tape the yokeline oo the stand Pm the straight gram of fabric to centra front of stand. Smooth fabro to the side seam. smpping to the wa st seamkne. Tn«s skin has ro dart. The lower pan of the skin m#y be in any styfe. pU,s buttonstand
’ape a lower waistline on the stand. Model nght half only to the buttoostand edge and md ode the lower end of the darł Model a facing for top edge and buttcnstand
Tape a ra sed waisttme on to the stand bodice Model as for onger vers>on of panel Ime skirt bicck but i«ave the seam ends oper
A godet u a inanguiar piece of fabnc msened in the skirt to mcrease the hemlme and so prov>de walk ng room To make the godet, construct a semi-circio. the rad us of wh>ch should be the length of tne Oper mg.