P270109 08

P270109 08

B) Tracę the presence of contrast in Sm jjgj||—|j|a|g||| —^ speakers th>

I - is at sea; he's unstable as the sea

-    talks about the passing of time

-    he >feels<

I - feels lonefy, seeks for company i - doesn’t accept his fate, tries to fight I with Wyrd (fate), but man is totally

(powerfess, he will never win

- talks about his past, complains about his present situation (he knows it’s not heroic), he’s unhappy, friendless, and gloomy. His happiness in the past was only an illusion

- his lord (his king) isn’t everlasting - asks the question 'ubtsunt?’ (where are?-passing of time)

the sphere of:

9 wanderer. the wise man and the nanaiot

The wise man:

-    is on land ('by the walls’); he’s as stable as the land

-    talks about the passing of time

-    he >think$<

-    doesn't feel quite alone - he has God in his heart

-    accepts his fate

-    doesn't say anything personel, talks about the world & what it’s like not in an emotional, but in an philosophicaf way; his happiness is real

-    God is eternal

-    Asks the same question 'ubi sunt?' to talk about how greatness passes but also shows that the wanderer’s approach is inappropriate


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