en borders, might get better then. Add fire place where the last ray of faith in lost on purpose. That is what is inside looking for at least one morę sensible th ell, yet. Albert Camus w

Lamy BIP-u gościły już wielokrotnie twórczość poetycką pracowników oraz studentów naszej Uczelni. Dziś pragnę zaproponować Czytelnikom lekturę niecodzienną: skróconą wersję tekstu (ilozoficzno-literackiego Elżbiety Jaro-mirskiej, studentki III roku Wydziału Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, napisanego w języku angielskim w ramach prowadzonych przeze mnie w ubiegłym roku akademickim zajęć z przedmiotu History ot Philosoptry - poetycką opowieść

0    Fryderyku Nietschem. Elżbieta jest nie tylko znakomitą studentką na swoim Wydziale, ale również osobą o wszechstronnych zainteresowaniach filologicznych i filozoficznych (myśli nawet o studiowaniu filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, jako drugiego kierunku), obdarzoną niewątpliwym talentem literackim (a także, jak słyszałam, pływackim...). Obecnie przebywa na stypendium w Niemczech.

Chciałam w tym miejscu wspomnieć również o innym, wyróżniającym się uczestniku zeszłorocznych anglistycznych spotkań z filozofią w naszej Akademii: o Antonim Mylce z Wydziału Elektrycznego, laureacie Olimpiady Języka Angielskiego, absolwencie szkoły muzycznej, autorze drugiej pracy semestralnej ocenionej przeze mnie jako celująca, Antoni zdążył już zresztą ujawnić swoje rozliczne talenty, w tym lingwistyczne i muzyczne, podczas oficjalnej wizyty studentów AGH z Panem prof. Bronisławem Barchańskim w Niemczech.

Myślę, iż w świetle toczącej się na forum Uczelni dyskusji na temat kształcenia w języku angielskim, osiągnięcia takich studentów jak Elżbieta i Antoni dostarczają mocnych argumentów za rozszerzaniem istniejącej obcojęzycznej oferty edukacyjnej.

Anna Małecka Wydział Nauk Społecznych Stosowanych

Elżbieta Jaromirska

Nietzsche’s ‘Tragic Wisdom'

'My recipe for happiness - Yes, No, straight linę, target' First Step in The Clouds (Marek Hlasko)

This one time, do me a favour, be my guest, I will show you round. Come on, I will take you for a walk high in the clouds. Up there somewhere

1    will show you somebody - my intellectual friend, my intellectual authority. Insane, a bit, a lot - perhaps, anyway do not try to make me decide for you. Still no idea, be patient. Take your time. it may take you a bit to make your eyes, eyes tired of senseless faith, used to the dark. Don't ery...

The day when kings were born...

On your marks, get set, (ready?) go! The beginning 15"’ October 1844, the royal day, the day when kings were bom ('at least one profit... the day of joy') - a nice day to be bom, what do you think? Anyway, I take you right to the beginning to make you see so that you can understand better, later, deeper, louder. Why? Some things cannot be described with words - you see, you feel then you know. Depressing, isn't it? Let's at least try to de-scribe it to those who are not lucky enough to be here with us. Colourless picture of priests, churches, prayers, rosaries... like cubist mosaic intelligi-ble only for those who 'committed' it. Who shall you expect me to draw in the middle - the already grown up creature, struggling with the shadow of a cross, must have been painful. I think his spirit was screaming that time and that reminds me of the figurę in Thomas Munch's picture 'Scream' -screaming so silently with shapes and colours. I am a poor artist (as Anto-ine de Saint Exupery would say: T have only learnt how to draw open and ctosed boa snakes') I admit, but even the paint is disturbing me, as if it did not want to be used to create anything morę in the picture of lazy heaven.

Clue (the beginning of Ariadne s thread)

Shhh, he wants to say something:

- One, who wants to fly can not start with flying, first one has to leam

Sort of explanations perhaps, an excuse or a clue to his mixed up thoughts. No time to consider it now, take a picture of it, we will examine it later. What? You don't know how to take the picture of words? He was doing it all his life - the easiest possibility, as usual the hardest to guess: write them down. He wrote to fulfil the need of sharing views and convert society, the tragic society of fallen angels and titans. Back to reality, our reality: brought up surrounded by five women, long intellectual adventur-ous walks in his mind to deeply hidden feelings inside. Far away from oth-er children - stupid smali people with absolutely useless interests. Al-though considered as a weirdo, he did not pay attention to these 'compli-ments'; time that should be spent on playing games he spent on finding point to resist. Universal agreement: 'It seems correct that gods exist, if so, let’s think they do' - for him it was only naive Latin proverbs, pack of lies wrapped in a holy cover.

- You are going to fight it, aren't you? - He did not hear..

is already been two thousand years and not a single god Since!'

ime red, so I make flames and the istence is burned or perhaps just n: great fight with different values, an all the others. Calm down, it Id say to you: 'Heli must be like th signs and not a single possibility to explain oneself. No streets, no signs, be as it may, but 'God is dead' now. Seems similar to the story of Uttle Prince and his rosę, she did not need him any morę, and sińce he was not needed he was gone for her. That is not a tragedy. And so it was with our hero, he found out that living without naive faith was pos-sible, and even much better than his former life. So why should he stay on the planet with no futurę and nothing but baobab roots.

I am ready to paint, so you must be ready to admire it. The beli rings: time, time to get as much as possible from your studies and life, literaturę, the world all around, and for whom does the beli toll? For people - people who are strong, strong enough to face the reality of nihilism. With pride, they disdain those to slow them down. As you wish, now 'You can be god yourself (A.S. La Vey) Situation like that from Golding's Lord ofthe Flies where hunting is thought to be the most utilitarian work. When you taste freedom like the hunters did. like he did at the university, the morał borders spread away and the field belongs to the strongest ones, no restric-

Finally serious path in the world of the nai've. (?)

It is always raining when it is not supposed to. Can you smell the rain? Oh no! What are you doing?! I hate umbrellas! Do you think I feel like looking as a mushroom? Weak people are afraid of everything, even of rain are they afraid, but we are not. Do you feel it, the atmosphere is becom-ing spooky, the air filled with the smoke dissolving in drops of water, smoke of negative energy. Rain is needed, it catalyses the catharsis. After all, the world has just turned into the worst of places ever possible. A piece of heli, or is that only heaven? Anyway, it is his adventure with the army, something absolutely opposite to the past. Semi-cathartic horse-ride and accident; fully disappointed he had to turn back. One step clos-er to the ideał life style but nothing was calling him there. Seems similar to Mickiewicz s willingness to fight accompanied by his disability to do so. Thus I have just accomplished the military event - a point to discuss, as he was always mixed up in the case of grading values: personal freedom or order and discipline. As a matter a fact, he never madę his finał choice about it. These two ideas where growing arm to arm in his view of the world, and at some point I guess he could not tell one from another him-self. I think I may leave my work unfinished here.

No name chapter

To sum it all up (do not feel offended that I explain my painting to you. but I am not the Uttle Prince who had never explained anything), we have madę half the way. We have passed his childhood fuli of maturę visions of life and faith which he considered as: 'unwillingness to get to know the truth'. Growing up in the atmosphere of deep unwillingness he somehow felt he did not fit there, as for him 'God occurs to be our longest lasting nightmare', and not the one to show you the way. As we have been going further, you must have clearty seen that he did not stop dreaming this horror all his life. Tried as he may, he simply could not follow tradition, as it seemed naive to him, and the strong do not follow the naive. That is why I have used so many colours. His family wanted to drown him in this mosaic of heaven on the earth. But it only madę him sick of all - one should know that the lack of colour is sometimes better than too many of them. You can at least see clearly your enemy coming.



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