• lwi
Zalecana lektura
RllMh T ,,15porz,dztnk5 mapy mentalnej
ny. Use Both Sides ofYourBmin, New York: Dutton, 1983.
Rozwijanie inteligencji
Armstrong Thomas, 5even Klnds ofSmart Identifytng and Deyelo-ping Your Many Intelllgences, New York: Plume, 1993.
Gardner Howard, FramesofMInd: The Theoryof Multlple Intellgen■ ces, New York: Basic Books, HarperCollIns, 1983.
Gardner Howard, The Unschooled Mind: How ChUdren 7hlnk and Hw School Should Teach, New York: Bask Books. HarperCollIns,
Uzear Davld, Seven Ways ofKnowing: Teaching for Multlple Intelll-gences(wyd. II), Palatlne. III.: IRI/Skylight Publications, 1991.
Lazear Davłd, Seven Ways of Teaching: The Artlstry of Teachlng with Multlple Intelllgences. Palatlne, III.: IRI/Skyllght Publications, 1991.
Typologia (typy psychologiczne)
Hall James A., The Jungian Experience: Analysis and IndMduation, Toronto: Inner City Books, 1986.
Jung Carl Gustav, Psychologlcal Types, w: Collected Works, t. 6. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971 [wyd. poL Typy psychologiczne, Warszawa 1997j.
Keirsey David, Marilyn Bates, Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament of Types, Del Mar. Calif.: Prometheus Nemesls Book Company, 1984.
Lawrence Gordon D., People Types and 7Iger Stripes, Gainesville, Fla.: Center for Applications of Psychologlcal lype Inc., 1993.
Myers Isabel B., Myers-Briggs Type Indlcator, Pało Alto, Calif.: Consulting Psychologlcal Press, 1962.
Myers Isabel Briggs. Peter B. Myers, Clfts Differlng: Understanding Personalny Type, Pało Alto, Calif.: Consulting Psychological Press, 199Ś.
Quenk Naomi L, Besides Ourselves: Our Hldden Personallty In Everyday Life, Pało Alto, Calif.: Consulting Psychologlcal Press, 1993.
Stein Murray, red., Jungian Analysis, La Salle, III.: Open Court, 1994.