

Zalecana lektura

Mózg, style uczenia się i nauczanie

Brooks Michael. Instant Raport, New York: Warner Books, 1989.

Caine Rena te Nummela, Geoffrey Caine, Making Connections: Te-aching and the Humań Brain. Menlo Park, Califomia Addison- -Wes-ley Publishing Company, Innovative Learning Publications, 1994.

Golden Daniel, Building a Better Brain, „National Geographic", czerwiec 1994 (materiały uzupełniające: Annę Hollister i Sasha Ny-ary, symulacje komputerowe: Alexander Tsiaras).

Halpem Steven, Comfort Zonę, Open Channel Sound Company (BMD, 1988.

Halpern Steven, Musie for Your PC, Open Channel Sound Company (BMI), 1995.

Halpern Steven, Sound Health, New York: Harper and Row, 1985.

Halpern Steven, Sound, Spirituality and Stress, San Anselmo, Callf.: Steve Halpem's Inner Peace Musie, 1996.

Halpern Steven, Spectrum Suitę, Open Channel Sound Company (BMD. 1988.

Halpem Steven, Timing the Humań Instrument: An Ownerb Manuał, Spectrum Research Institute, 1978.

Hastenstab Joseph K., Connie Corcoran Wilson, Training the Te-acheras Champion, Pało Alto, Calif.: Performance Learning Systems, 1988.

Hastenstab Joseph K., Performance Learning Systems: Teachtng through Learning Channels, Nevada City, Calif.: Performance Lear ning Systems, 1994.

Hastenstab Joseph K„ Coopmtffw r onminc*. Nevada City. Caw Performance Leamłn* Systems. 1993.



Zabcana kktaró


Hastenstab Joseph K.. Patterm for I.D.E.A.S.. N«vada City. Calif. Performance Learning Systems. 19B7.

Hastenstab Joseph K., Keys to Mottvatkm. Hevada Oty, Calif.. Performance Learning Systems. 1990.

Hastenstab Joseph K.. Project tEACR, Nevada Oty. Calif. Pet formance Learning Systems. 19B9.

Hastenstab Joseph K.. Teaching the Skiffs for the 2lsl Century, Nevada City. Calif.: Performance Learning Systems. 1994.

Unksman Rlcki, Unksman Learning Style Prefwena Aswtsmcnt and Braln Hemlspherk Preference Assessment, Napervtl!e. Ul. National Reading Diagnostłcs Institute. 1993.

Performance Leamlng Systems, Learning Style lnventory, Psio Al to. Calif.: Performance Learning Systems. 1995.

Russell Peter, The Braln Book, New York. Phime. 1979.

Swerdlow Joel L.t Qulet MIractes of the Braln, „National Geograp hic", czerwiec 1995.1187, nr 6.

Sylwester Robert, A Celebratlon of Neurons; An Educatort Guide to the Humań Bram, Alexandria. Va.: Associailort for Supervislon and Curriculum Development, 1995.

Thompson Richard F., The Braln: A Neurosdeme Primer (wyd. II). New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. 1993.

Vitale Barbara Melster. Free FUght: Celebrating Your Rfflht Braln, Torrance, Calif.: Jalmer Press. 1986.

Vitale Barbara Meister, Unicoms Are Real: A Rlght Brained Appro-ach to Learning, Calif.: jalmar Press, 1982.

Usprawnianie czytania I rozumienia

Unksman Ricki, Letter-Sound Relatlonship Test. Naperville, Ul. National Reading Diagnostocs Institute, 1993.

Unksman Ricki, Passage Reading Test, NaperviMe, Ul: National Reading Diagnostłcs Institute, 1993.

Unksman Ricki, SoMng Your Chffcft Reading Problems, New York. Cltadel Press, 1995.

Unksman Ricki, The Vo\vel and Consonant Dfctłonary, NapemUe, Ul.: National Reading Diagnostłcs Institute, 1993.

Unksman Ricki, The Vowel and Consonant Guide, NapertfUe. Ul: National Reading Diagnostłcs Institute. 1993.


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