

Aecessible plaquc is rcnioved by loolhbrushing and flossing. Subgingival plaque and calculus are inaccessible lo pal i en Is and are removed from llie gingival crevice and pockels by scaling donc by (lic denlisl or The process produees eonsidcrable bleeding and recpiircs llie usc oflocal anneslhcsin. Anlibiolic cover is also neccssnry for pnlicnls al of inleclive endoeardilis hołotę scaling.

Scaling is donc willi band inslruiucnls or ollcn inorc casily and quickly willi ullrasouic scalcr. Pnlicnls are adviscd lo lakc analgesic lablcls, ifrcquircd, as llie arca may fecl ralher sorc lor a day or Iwo allcrwards.

■Senling cnnnol nlwny.s rcmove llie <Iit|h\nI, limdcsl mul mlherwnl Inyer of'ciiiculun Irom (lic rool surfacc oflcclh. An cxlra slagc callcd rool planing is used in such cascs using Gracey curelles. Tlicir planing aclion climinales any residual plaque and calculus as il scrapes away sonie of llie rool cenienlum, lo providc a snioolli rool sur lace; The lenn subgingival scaling ineludes rool planing as llicre is no clcarcul dilTcrcncc belween (hem.

Wlion scaling is complclcd, which may lakc a lew visils, llie Icclli are polislicd. Poiisliing removes residual supragingival plaquc and is done willi a handpiece, smali brushes or rubber cups, and a polishing pasie.

Periodonlal.condilions which do nol respond lo phupie conlrol proceiluics, such as mcliculoua orał hygiene by llie patienl, and subgingival scaling by denlisl, may require Irealmenl by minor orał surgery procedures. Tlicy are performed under local anaeslhesia and may be underlaken by llie palienfs own denlisl or by rclcrral lo a periodonlal spccialisl.


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