

from cigarettcs passcs with thc saliva into thc stornach wherc it can causc a varicty of gastric disordcrs. Modcration in all thingś is a kcy-notc of health and happincss, and if you must smokc, do so in moderation,

Morc will be said about rclaxation latcr, but I will say herc that the pace of modern life dis-

the harbingers ot nervous tension. me avoidance ot stimulants is a gooct aid to a rcfcuced nund.

allows us relax we ing a littl

Lcarn to rclax the facial muscles into an cxprcssion of complacency. Try to bccome conscious of a tensed facial espression and puli yourself up, then relax the race. Practice in front of a mirror I Your face refleets thc State of your mind and you will discovcr that by relaxing it you will be composing yourself, try it and sec. Bccause of its tremendous salutory effect, you should dcvote mucn timc to swimming. There is nothing to equal its ability to instil a sense of utter and complete relaxation. 1 do not, of course, refer to sprint or competition swimming, but slow, easy swimming for thc sole purposc of relaxation. It is probably thc only activity in which nearly all thc weight is taken ofF the vertebral column.

Endcavour always to surround yourself with a bright cheerful environmcnt, avoid all contacts which havc a negative, displeasing influence upon you. Seek and kccp company with pleasant, intclligcnt and healthy persons of both scxcs.

Bear always in mind, wherc thcrc is an abundance of FRESH AIR, LIGHT AND SUN-SHINE, FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND MOVEMENT and A TOUCH OF NATURĘ, you will always find Health and Happiness and Strength and Beanty. Where there is DARKNESS, DIRT, STAGNATION and no room for Naturę, you will also find MISERY AND DIŚEASE.


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