jff 042

jff 042


Twelfth Fali: Advanced Side Fali, Leaping, Stay Down.

Starting position: From walking, lead with right foot, Photo #1.

Action: Crouch slightly, swing arms in front, be gin spring off right foot, Photo #2. (Swinging of arms has twisted body as shown).

Flip and turn in air, left arm is in position for slap, Photo #3. As you turn in air, right leg is sharply twisted over to be in position for ending.

Finish in exact position of Second Fali, Photo #4.

Thirteenth Fali: Advanced Side Fali, Leaping, Come Up.

Thirteenth Fali is identical with Twelfth Fali in major action. At finish, curl left leg and allow momentum of fali to assist you in rising to standing, Photos #5 &: 6.



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