34827 jff 046

34827 jff 046


Fifteenth Fali. Advanced Side Fali With Leap.

Starting position; side-stepping, leading with left foot; right arm swings with rhythm of step.

Action: Swing right arm cross-body, raise right leg, Photo #1. Spring up from left foot, throw both legs up into air, position right hand for slap, Photo #2.

Finish is exactly as for Ninth Fali, Photo #3.

Sbcteenth Fali. Advanced Forward Fali.

Starting position: Slight crouch, Photo #4.

Action: Spring off both feet, leap into air, Position hands for slap, Photo #5.

Finish is exactly as for Tenth Fali. Photo #6.

(Con't From Page 44)

You may not talk to your opponent or make signals which are meant to confuse him, for instance, pretending that you are in pain. You can get the psychological upper-hand by your facial expression in contest - by showing determination, strength, or even energy. My own favorite techniąue of men-tal contest was to smile at my opponent at the very moment when it seemed to me that the match would never end. I was told that this had a markedly up-setting effect on an opponent who was thereby mis-lead to think that I had some secret storę of energy.



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