89736 jff 034

89736 jff 034


Sixth FaLl: Basic Forward RoLl, Corning Up:

Starting position: Standing in natura! stance: fold arras and place on head, Photo #1.

Action:    Crouch cLose to mat, leaning forward,

Photo #2.

Place arms and head on ground, close to feet, Photo #3.

Push off with toes and roli easily forward,

Photo #4. Continue roli, throw arms out to assist you in coming to standing position for finish, Photo #5.

(Con't. from page 12. )

roots go back to a time when it was a harsh discipline. The prevalent attitudes even today are derived from that concept. Judo is a serious study, a way of life. This attitude we must res-pect, though we may have a different approach.

We in the United States do not have a tradition of formalism which is part of the Japanese culture. The Orient has given us the great Art of Judo, but we cannot be expected to become Japanese in our practice of it.

The majority of the people who learn Judo, are doing it for pleasure. We are, therefore, justified in using the word "play" in connection with Judo just as we do in connection with the practice of tennis or baseball. (Champions of any gamę do not "play" at it, they "work", else they would not become champions).

Now that Judo has been admitted to the Olympic games, there is certain to be much new interest in this sport. To the many new students and players of the wonderful sport of Judo, I wish happy, exci-ting and satisfying hours of play. Have fun!



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