14956 jff 076

14956 jff 076


Players begin from training position, facing in natural stance. Photo #1.

Step One. Pivot. (Pivot shown in this photo is stepping-in-pivot, though any pivot may be used). Photo #2.

Step Two. Pivot complete, Thrower has pulled Receiver into forward off-balance and is in position for throw with his right thigh against right thigh of Receiver, Photo #3. Precise placement of leg is very important. Area of Thrower's leg just above back of his knee is the proper place to use.

Step Three. Thrower's arms puli Receiyer around and into his chest as his right leg sweeps up and back, Photo #4.

Arm motion continues through completion of throw as shown in Photo #5.

Finish in strong "T" position, Photo #6. Receiyer uses Second Fali ending.



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