11794 jff 064

11794 jff 064


Players start from traŁning position, facing in natural stance.

Step One: Hand position on sleeve and lapel is standard. Unless otherwise indicated, begin all throws with hands in this position.

Thrower takes deep step forward at 45° angle, placing his left foot next to Receiver's right foot about 6" away; as step is taken, break Re-Receiver's balance to his right rear with arms, pulLing around toward you and down while right hand pushes back, around and down, Photo #1.

Step Two: Draw right Leg forward, keeping left knee slightly bent, Photo #2.

Step Three: As arm action continues, kick back at Receiver's leg with your leg (calf-to-calf), your body making circular movement and assis-ting action of throw. Photo #3.

Step Four: Carry-through with kick, past point of contact to execute strong throw, Photo §4.

Finish: Thrower steps back into strong balance stance, maintains grip on Receiver's sleeve to avoid being pulled off-balance.

Receiver ends in Second Fali or Ninth Fali position.



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