Photo #1. Strong Linę: Standing in natural stance, strongest resistance is from side to side.
Photo #2. Weak Linę, Back: In natural stance siight pressure will force you back.
Photo #3. Weak Linę, Forward: In natural stance siight puli will topple you forward.
Photo #4. Point Balance: Ali weight on one foot, causing weakness of balance from any direction.
Photo #5. "T" Position: Strongest balance of
which we are capable. Gives maocimum strong linę forward and back.
Photo #6. "T" Position also gives relatively
strong balance from sides.
Contest balances (Randori Kuzushi)
Knowledge of balances for Judo play is a fundamen-tal part of the Art. These balances are for every-one to learn. However, they are particularly use-ful and necessary for American Judo players.
When playing with skilled Judo men who are smaller in stature than you are, you must use the following techniąues in order to take advantage of your size. (The alternative is the temptation to use strength in-stead of skill. ) The easy way to good Judo play is through the knowledge and use of balances for lifting, canting, twisting and circular movement of your opponent.
Throws must always be executed against the weak linę of the opponent. TWO RULES TO REMEMBER: 1. Emphasize use of arms in all throws. 2. Throw in the direction ol the weak linę, li you come bacK to tins paragraph many times for a reminder, you will avoid the two most common errors madę by beginning Judo players.