Eleventh Fali: Advanced Back Fali, Leaping.
Starting position: Natura 1 stance.
Action: Swing arms back, from slight crouch start leap by pushing off with balls of feet,
Photo #1.
As you ieave ground, throw arms up high and kick feet forward, Photo #2.
Your body should be horizontal to ground in the middle of the action, Photo #3.
Finish by slapping with force just before back hits, Photo #4.
(Con't from Page 21)
Control of your opponent by Psychological means is very much in the spirit of "easy" Judo play. As self-control and seLf-discipline are important ele-ments in Learning good Judo, so are they important in contest. As you have increasing control. of your mind and body, you will have control of your opponent. The assurance and authority which come from self-control are obvious to those around you and work in your favor.
Never allow yourself to become angry in contest. Anger is energy-consuming. Your fuli attention should be on plan of attack and counter-attack.
Use of Ki-Ya has great value as a psychological contest technique. So effective is it, that it was thought to have magical power in ancient times.