jff 028

jff 028


First Fali: Basic Backward Fali.

Starting position: Sitting on mat, legs straight, hands on knees, Photo #1.

Action: Fali back, relaxed in body, slap mat with force just before back touches mat. Head is kept off mat, feet up, Photo #2. Properly done, the first fali (as with all the falls) is easy and gentle. The body rolls back, do not thrust or drive yourself to the mat. You can learn with practice, to have your body completely relaxed, except that your hands slap with force.

Second Fali: Basic Side Fali.

Starting position: Lying on back, right arm held up in front of face, palm up; left foot raised slightly, head off mat, Photo #3.

Action: First choice: Roli body to right side, slap with right arm at 45°angle close to body; left leg swings over body, bottom of left foot slaps mat as right hand and arm slap mat; head off mat, Photo

Crossing leg over for this fali has many advan-tages. The crossed leg acts as protection for groin in the event Thrower loses balance and topples onto Receiver; in snappy throw there is a tendency to continue motion and roli over onto face. The crossed leg acts as a brace to pre-vent this; the crossed leg makes ground-work by Thrower morę difficult to execute; Crossing leg action prevents landing on tail-bone in fast throw; Safest, most practical side fali.

The variations for ending position for Second Fali are shown in Photos #5 and #6. They are techni-cally correct and are taught by many instructors. They do not have the safety value of the first ending as in Photo #4.



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