Government is ihe opposite ot Cmnmunist.
Liberał is the opposite of Conservative.
Peaceful is the opposite of Yiolenl.
Straight ts the opposite ot Weird.
('riminal bas no opposite alignment.
Kanalie - Any tw<j Fanatic Groups are considered ‘'opposite" to each oiher.
Play goes counter-clocknise around the table.
1. Collect incoine on all cards that have an Income numher.
2. Draw a eard. If it is a Special card. Ihe player keeps it. If the card is a Group, it is placed face-up in the uncontrolled area.
3. Take two “aetions.” See list. helów.
4. Iake any “frec aetions." Tlip.se do not eount against ihe two aetions allowed during each turn. They tnay be taken before, between. or after the two regular aetions. See helów for list.
5. Transfer nioney. Part or all of any Group\ money may be moved to an adjacenl Group. Two money translers are allowed per turo.
6. Iake speeial-power aetions.
Regular Aetions: Attack a Group (lo control, neutralize. or destroy): Transfer money; Muve a Group; Give a Group away.
Frec Aetions: Drop a Group; Givc away money or Speeials; Use a Special (Exccption: Bribery is a regular aetion.)
Fassing: A player may choose not lo tako any aetions of any sort and collect 5MB instead.
Attack to Control. Defending Group s Resislance is sub-tracted front attacking Group's Power, including any Transferable Power front other Groups aidrng in the attack. Only mentbers of attacker’s own Power Slructure cun aid the attack.
Modily this number for altacker's or delendeCs special powers. for money spent by both sides. and for other faetors shown below.
Using two dice. altacker musi roli this numher or less. A mli nf 11 or 12 is an automatic failare.
Same alignment (e.g.. Weird vs. Weird)............+4
Opposite alignment (e.g.. Straight \s. Weird)........-4
Bach Megabuck (MB) spent by altacker............+1
Fach MB spent hy defending Group...............-2
Bach MB spent by defendeCs llluminaii............-I
Each MB spent by oiher playcrs to lmerfere.........-I
Bach MB spent hy other playcrs to Assist...........+|
Defencling Group is comrolled direcily by llluminaii. . -10 Defending Group is I Group away 1'roin llluminaii.... -5 Defending Group is 2 Groups away front llluminaii ... -2
Attack to Neutralize. As above. except that altacker receivcs a +6 bonus.
Attack to Destroy. As above e.scepl:
1. Roli “Power minus Power." instead of "Power minus Resislance."
2. +4 for opposite alignment: -4 for idmtical
3. Ątracking Group does not need an opon contro! mrów.
Groups to be controlled. inclttding flluminati
2 or 3 piayers (not recominended)....... 13
4 playcrs....................................12
5 piayers........................... 10
6 piayers........................... *)
7 or 8 piayers (not rcęómmendecl).................8
Bararian llluminaii. Control Groups with a total power ol 35 or moro (including their own Power of 1 Ot.
Berrnuda Trianglc. Control at leasi one Group of each align-ment. A Group willi morę than one alignment counts for each of its alignments.
Ihseordian Soeiety. Control 5 Weird Groups.
Gnomes of Zurich. Collect 150 megabucks i in the w hole Power Siruetnre’s treasuries).
The NetWork. Control Groups wilii a tolal Transferable Power of 25 (including their own 7).
Sen ants of Cthulliu. Destroy eight Groups.
Soeiety of Assasshis. Control six Ytolent Groups.
UFOs. At the beginmng of lite gamę. after piayers choose their Mluminati. the UFO player picks one of the seven Special Goals listed above. I le writes il down, keeping it secret Irom the .other piayers.