based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural. Within one approach, there can be many methods.
A techniąue is implementational^f that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular strategy, trick, or contrivance used to. accomplish an immediate objective. Techniąues must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well. Techniąues depend on the teacher, his/her individual artistry, and on the composition of the class.
The arrangement of the above trio of terms is hierarchical. The organizational key is that techniąues carry out a method which is consistent with an approach.
2.1. The Grammar-Translation Method 2.1,1. Background
The grammar-translation method is one of the oldest methods of teaching foreign languages. It dominated Europę from the 1840s to the 1940s but it has its roots in Roman education, in which the foundational concepts of grammar and translation were laid out. The study of grammar and translation work was part of the preparation and the necessary prereąuisite for the morę advanced study of rhetoric. By the middle of the lst century AD grammar had attained a prominent position in Roman life, and this continued even morę strongly in the 2nd century. The Roman students progressed from their grammatical studies in Latin and Greek to the reading of Greek classics. Thus a close connection was established between grammar and literaturę.
Translation and grammar re-emerged as major activities in classrooms during the period from the 15* to 17* centuries. During these years, the developing humanistic thinking led to a new interest in the cultural ideas of the classics. As in the classical world, the perfect leader would have to be a perfect orator, he should know Latin, and later also Greek and Hebrew.
Latin was taught by means of what has been called the Classical Method: focusing on grammatical rules, memorisation of vocabulary and various declensions and conjugations, translation of texts, doing written exercises.
In the Reformation-Renaissance time, it was the invention of printing that brought a major change in education. In contrast to the past, the students were no longer dependent on lectures and their attention was directed towards the written word. The schoolmaster was no longer the sole authority on a text, and the increasing number of translations of the classics gave the opportunity to do translation as a major classroom activity.
The process of developing national States in Europę caused that Latin was gradually converted into a dead language, and other languages were introduced to educational institutions. Due to the lack of other experience, the Classical Method was adopted as the chief means for teaching foreign languages.
Little thought was given at the time to teaching orał use of languages. Moreover, languages were not being taught primarily to leam oral/aural communication, but to leam for the sake of being “scholarly” or, in some instances, for gaining a reading proficiency in a foreign language. Since there was little theoretical research on foreign language acąuisition in generał, foreign languages were taught as any other skill was taught.
It is remarkable that this method has been still living despite the fact that it does virtually nothing to enhance a leamer's communicative ability in the language. For thousands of school learners, foreign language learning meant a tedious experience of memorising endless list of grammar rules and vocabulary and attempting to produce perfect translations of literary prose. However, there is at least one serious reason why this method has been so popular. It reąuires few specialised skills on the part of teachers. Tests of grammar rules and of translations are easy to construct and can be objectively scored.
It is a method without any theory to underlie it. There is no literaturę that offers a rationale or justification for it or that attempts issues in linguistics, psychology, or educational theory.