contemplative wrap c on t i nued
Bind off all stitches.
Seciion W
Work the same as section 4, ther sew sections 9 and 10 :ogc-ther. Seciion 11
Woik the same as seciion 7.
Section 72
Work the same as section 4, then sew sections 11 and 12 together. Seciion 13
Work the same as section 5.
Section 14
Work the same as section 4, then sew sections 13 and 14 toęothcr. Seciion 15
Work tne sarrp as section 3 Section 76
VVor.< the same as section 2 then sew sections 15 one 16 together.
Section 17
Work the same as section 1.
Using en nr B and with Ihe r.yhl side fauny, work 3 rounds iii sirgle uocliel around the ent re p;ece. Work 3 single uocliels inlo each corner or If e Urns.
Next round *$c into cach of The ncxt 2 stitches, ci 3r sl st into the teo ot the last sc; repea: from * around.
Fastei of'.
Use a tapestiy leedie tc weave in all the icose ends# catchina down at leost 3" (7.5cm) of eoch end to ensjre o tighc nold diriig the felting process.
Please refer to the guidelhes for uwshing machinę je! ting on page 118.
Shape by hand, especially pulling out eny areas that might l ave drawn in morę lightly ihan desired cu ing tiie felting process.
Allow the wrap to a r dry gently aid slowly. Błock lightly to size, if needed.The silktiber rcspoids beautifully tc an iron and softeis tremendocsly whei irened 01 c cool scttiig.
I always find it helpful to make a little color key before beginning a piece with multiple colors or yarns. Simply tape a short piece of each fiber to an index card and label each piece with its color name and its color identification letter (for example, color B). The color key card can be used not only to keep track of the colors, but also as a helpful bookmark.
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