68800 S20C 409120813371

68800 S20C 409120813371

contempIative wrap

Ever morę delightfid possibililies In skąp mg are offered in thh wrap, luhich doubies beattlifitUy as a lup blankę t. Building on the banie shibori rujfle concept, this umque. piece in a hołd fonty into working loitft multiple colors. The design rests in Ihc comforłable realni ofsmple knit construcłion, wilii slockinettc stitch and gnrfer słifch being the prinumj ioois. A lacy crochet borcier is iucorporated, encouraging the knillcr lo open to the thought of felting luce—fi radical concept!

IVhen I ivn$ kmtting this piece, Jfounu it enticing to icork with a bright yet comforting palet te. When choosing y amfor the piece, pick colors that reflect Ihc mood you desirecahn, cooi, and harmonious; cjuiet, subtle, and screne; or ribrant, wtense, and suiurutcii. Regardless of the palet te, the rhythm and soft unfolding of the kriit is a grounding and pleusant experience.

subtle shibori 53


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