Usr a tapestry neeclc to weave in al llie loose ends, being surp tn wedve at least 3 (7.5cn) o* cach enc to ensure c tight hołd djring the fellinc process.
Fe! tin%
P.ease cfcr :o the guidelines orwaMng machinę jklłing on poqc 118 Snape by hand, especiclly pulling zm any areas that rright have drawn in morę tight y rhan desred during the fet rg procpss Al o w the scarf tc air dry gcntly and siowly. 8loc.< it I chtly to size f oesired.
Hnish dth o cocl :ron cn the wrcny bidę of the wok. (i reconmend uvng a prpssing towel. Stop using the towe only ii you orc not gett ng the resuh you want willi it.) Do not drag the iron. Ralher, ift and oxss it. focusing on the silk (norfehing) ccmpc-nont of the piece to flatten a id sclten the fiaers.
Siibllc skibo r i 113