smpb 48

smpb 48



The Bimmtr College of Satureopathy,

Dece Mr. Atlas    Hartford. Comn., April IS. 1923.

H u not my praetiee to pratte sndiscrimsnately, yet I Jo feel after ęoina acer your eourte that it ti my Juty to tell you jusi htno indisf ensablr and caluable your system it. In my opinson yourt it the mott remarkable eorrespondener system for Health and strenęth buiUiną ecer written. It mat et the attaiument of muscular power a simple and easy propositiou.

After dewliną so mamy yeart of your life to l/tit werk. you. aboce all men. are surely rrpeet/d to tao to all about it.

Yourt cery truły,

(SigmęJ) Dr. /.. Blumrr, DJPs., D.O.. D.C., N.D.

Dr. Ix>uit Bluroer U Drań of the wortd-famotn Btumcr College of Naturcopathy of Hartford, Conn.—the largot and be*t college of it* kind in the world. When a man of *ucb world-widc famę en do r* er my ryitcm you can depend upon him knowing **hat be'» talking of. Hi* reputation i* too waluable to jropardize.

My Dear Mr. Atlat:    1-67 Street New York City,

Your werk, the decrlopment of the human ifireiet, it of the ęreatest smporlanee.

For the decelopment of all kinJt of plamls and animali; a ęreat dra! hot inirllięently herm done. and eertaimly the knowledęe about ourselces and vur ofisprinęs should turpatt the knc*ulrdęe about our strawberries, potaloei, hortet, doęs and swine.

The futurę of humamty lies oaly in the decelopinę and uni fymg of w/hat it hięhest in hu maniiy reęarJless of ils source. It was *uith ęreat interes! and lalisfaetion in Oetober, 1922. when I was (hairman of the judęes in the Physieal Culture Conlest that tor judęes, unanmtously ęace you the first prite. tPith tueh an e.iample for your pupils, the result of your work will ineciiably be an imreasrd interest tn the guality of the human ratę and will brinę about cnnicirntious efforti to tmproce themselces and iheir offspring.

Fery tincerely yourt,

Prof. Herman M. Bernelat Morus.

Suitę 204, 14 tb Broadway,

Dear Mr. Atlas:    New York City, April I2lh, 1923.

I was cery fleased when I isrceslięated your caurse and noted iis ęreat calue. It is a masterpieer—and not only should you be eonęratulated but the pupils who may be the rreipients of its ęreat benefiu are also to be eonęratulated.

Your work is a recrlation and I am eoncineed that it u the only praetieal Health and Strenęth Buildinę eourse on the market loday. You hace shown sueh amazinę benefits on your owa body that no one ean dispute your elaim to havr dis-tocrred the most marcelous system that wkti rver known.

You procide aetual result-produeiuę methods for the indi-cidual to ute to ęet immedtate results.

Yours very tineerely,

(Sięned) Prof. //. //. Roth. D.C., Ph.C., Nd).

Dr. Roth » Profeaaor of Neurology and Sympłomology in ooe of the largcst college*. Ife i» well qualified to know tbr great value of my met bod*.



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