stronaB (4)

stronaB (4)

Shopping at a market


1 a fWl Listen. What does the woman ask for? Tick (/) the blue boxes.

apples O □ carrots O O tomatoes[~1 O bananas□ □ chicken □ □ potatoesU] □ beef O dl melon dl dl tuna dl dl

b Listen again. What things can she buy?

Tick (/) the red boxes.

c How much does the woman pay for all her shopping? Listen and check if necessary.

a CBD Listen to the intonation. Write 71 if it goes up and if it goes down.

I’d like three bananas a kilo of apples dl and a melon dl-

Pd like soog of minced beef dl 200g oftunadl and a chicken dl

b Listen again and repeat.

c Play a gamę in groups. Choose food and drink from the box below. Follow the example, and be careful to use the correct intonation. How long can you continue?

minced beef chicken fish lamb tuna butter cheese eggs milk pasta apples ice cream bananas carrots melons papayas pineapples potatoes tomatoes coffee cola orange juice tea water

3 a Half the class are shoppers at a market. The other half are shop assistants. Read your roles.

b When you finish, tell the class about the things you have.


Work in pairs. Choose six things from the box in Ex. 2C and write your shopping list. You have 25 euros for all your shopping. Look at the tapescript on page 153 and prepare to go shopping. Ask the shop assistants and try to buy all your items. How much do you pay?

Shop assistants

1    Your teacher gives you a letter, A, B, C or D.

A: you sell fruit and vegetables.

B: you sell drinks.

C: you sell meat and fish.

D: you sell dairy food (butter, milk, etc.).

2    Look at the box in Ex. 2C and the list on page 43 and find the correct type of food for your shop. Choose four items and write them down. Write a price next to each item, e.g. coffee -3 euros for 250 g, water-1 euro

a bottle.

3    Look at the tapescript on page 153 and prepare to answer your customers’ questions.

Student A: t’d like some coffee.

Student B: l’d like some coffee and a bottle of water.

Student C: l’d like some coffee, a bottle of water and three apples.

Student D: l’d like some coffee, a bottle of water, three apples and...



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