\Vcrld’s ncwcst big-capacity motorcyc.c! New ir design, new in appear-ar.ee, and new in smooth, pcwerful performance, this big, husky 650twin has a streamlined unit power plant and literally hundreds of ncw fcatures. Herc is the ideał all-round road cruiser for American highways.
Engine: Overhead-valve four stroke (40 cub.c inches), 75 mm. borę, 74 nm. simkę. Alloy iron cylinder ba-rci with dic-cast aluminium hcad. Valvc scats arc cast-in. Down draught nianifold, compress.cn ratio 8.3-1. Prcssurc oil feed to main bearings. fcig-ends. and rccker mecbanisrn. I leavy-duty crankshaft with over$i/.e hall race on dr.ve side, high-duły bi-mctdl bcaring on t.ming side. Gcar cri\cn sport typc cam-sliaft incorporet.ng limed breather. Light alloy connoeting rods w th nicro-babbit stccl-backcd big-end bearings. Dry su nip lubiication with double gear oil pump and 6-pin: capacily oil tank.
Carburetor: A trał Monobloc typc of .j" borę with large-d amctcrfelt typeair clcancr.
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Transmission: Four-spee.i gearbox bui t in unit with engiic. Posi(ivc-stop foot comrol. Gear ratios arc 4.35—5.13—7.1 Ś—11.1 - 1. Mult olate chuch with bonded linings ans on rolier bearings and .ncorporates special syilhetic ruhticr eushior. drive. £* pilch triple-iow priinary ch;-:in wiih tension adjuster. %" x rcar chain runs in com-plete cnclosnrc. i.Łfndosure opiional exira
Ignition and Lighting: Engine shafl alternator with D.C. reciification for lighting. Battcry ignition with contact breaker nounted on crarkcasc. F.mcrgcncy starting position on ignition switch pcrrrits starting with battcry discharged o: dead. Carried in rew typc hcaćlight racdle are ammeter, pilot light. illunina:ed speedometer, and ignition and lighting switches. Electric horn, stop-taił light with leflector, 13 amp./hr. battery.
Fuel Tank: New design 4-gallor tank with rese-ve tap. Tank mounted on rubber with single hold-ćown bolt.
Wheels and Tiros: Dunlop tires, front 3.25—18 ribbed, rear 3.50—18 Univcrsal. Rcar wlieel quickly de.achable. Fuli width hubs with Slraigh: stokes Brakcs: Front trakc 8" diameter. rear brake T diameter. locatcd in ful! w idth hubs. Brakcs arc sclf-enc gizhg typc.
Suspension: Fror.t forics tclcscopic tyoc with hydraulic shoc< absorbers built in. Rear suspension is swingi ng arm typc with special adjustablc shock absorbers bu li into spring units.
Franie: Double tubę franie of strong and rigic eonstruction. Central stand and jjflfy stand. Dualseat with passenger footrests. Key-operatcd stccrhg hcad lock. valanced fenders, ncw, high-cthcicncy mulllers.
Flnish: Royal Red Metallic tank with large chrome panels and thrcc-dimcnsior.al EŚA nameplates. Rcyal Rod Mctallic fenders and oil-tank-tcol-boK enclosure. Black frarr.c. Many parts finished in brilian; chronic including complete exhau.-t system, wlieel rims, handlebars, and dozens y' other itenis of equipmcnt. Engine cascs arc h ghly po.ished alloy.
General diniecsions: Whedbasc 54";
ground clearanee T: length ovcrall 81"; weight dry 340 pounds.